You Can Have Her

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I had walked into the adoption agency with my small five month baby bump and straight into the door where I first met the James family. It was a little overwhelming, but Finn was right next to me. He's been so supportive and I think it makes all of this a little bit easier.

"Hello" I greeted them again

Finn shook Karen and Zachary's hands but we didn't sit down. We just wanted to tell them and be gone.

"Um Finn and I have decided that we want you to be our child's parents" I tell them

Karen hugs Zachary and I just held onto Finns hand. In situations that make me want to cry, I always hold Finns hand. But before I Finn or I could say anything Karen hugs me.

"Thank you so much Rachel, you don't know how long we've been waiting" she smiles

I want to throw up because having her say that just confirms that Finn and I are really going to give her up.

"I want you to come by the house to help decorate her nursery, and you are always welcome in our home so don't be a stranger, and also can you please bring us to one of your appointments," she asks me immediately

"Sure" I answer

She starts smiling even more and hugging her husband who looks just as excited. I glance at Finn and sort of silently plea to leave. He notices so he grabs my hand.

"Here is our phone numbers and the address to the house" Zachary said to us

Each one of us took the papers with the numbers and address.

"We'll call you" Finn tells them as we exit

When we leave the building I feel like throwing up. Giving up your child for a better life should feel good right? If so...why doesn't it feel right?

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