Bus Stop of Lies

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"Alexa do you have lunch? Tony did you bring your instrument? Erick have you brought your inhaler? Bridget ready for daycare?" I ask all my foster siblings

Noah walked out locking the door to the house

"Stop smothering them" Noah said with Rick close behind
"Shut up I'm being nice" I said
"Whatever, let's go rick, you know where we'll be" Noah said walking

I rolled my eyes. They always leave me to take care of the little ones. I usually drop them off at the bus station, except Bridget, I have to drop her off at the daycare on the way to school.

"Why does Noah never say bye?" Alexa asks
"It's because he's a dumb boy" I say smiling
"Hey! I'm a boy" tony yells
"Except you buddy" I say ruffling his hair

He just smacks my hand away. He hates it when I do that.

"What about me?" Erick asks
"And you Erick, you're like the smartest one" I assured doing  our handshake

The bus arrives

"Remember, if Robert or Eve show up you immediately call me or Noah, got it? Tony make sure to wait with Alexa at McKinley with Erick when jack drops you off, ok?" I ask as they get on

"Relax rachie we got it covered" tony assured me while Erick nodded

Alexa gave me a quick hug as she skipped right behind tony. Jack is the bus driver in case you're wondering. He's an old man who respects our living situation. After that I hold Bridget's hand as we walk to daycare.
"Alright bri, be good" I say

She nods her head as the adults take her inside. I look at the clock on the wall and see it's seven forty two! I better run to school!

I run in just as the warning bell rings. Thank god I have ten minutes. I quickly run to my locker. As I close it Noah pops up

"Why are you so late? You're the good one, go to class!" He says pushing me to my class
"Hey hey watch it, I was dropping Bridget off at daycare" I defend myself
"Just get to class shortie" Noah says

Right before I go in the actual class I turn to face him

"What about you? Don't you have classes too?" I ask lifting an eyebrow

Before he could answer a really tall dude answers for him, and when I say really tall, I mean really tall,

"Puck hurry up, we're going to be late for football!" He yelled

Puck smirked as I crosses my arms

"Whatever" I mumbled

I walked into class and sat right next to Santana. She's my best friend, along with Mercedes and Britney. That tall guy was cute, I wonder what his name is, I mean I always see him with Noah but I've never actually known his name.

You see Noah is very protective of me, so he doesn't let me have any guy friends. Last time a guy talked to me Noah ended up sending him home with a broken arm. Plus I'm a nobody, not many guys knocking at my door, begging to be friends with me.

It's the same thing with friends in general. I'm a glee club loser who has a total of three friends. Sad I know, blame my brother. Speaking of which, not many people actually know he's my brother considering he's so popular and I'm so......not. It's not till they're about to slushy me and Noah punches them, that they realize I'm his 'baby sis'.

"Why were you so late again?" Santana asked
"Uhh, I overslept" I lied

I'm already an outcast enough as it is. Noah and I don't like people knowing where those kids. The kids who everyone pities because they have no real family. So everyone, mostly anyone who dared insult me or look at me, knows Noah and I are siblings, just not that we have five more foster siblings. So as of now Santana and Mercedes and Britt all think puck and I are living a normal happy life.

I want to tell Santana because we've been friends since kindergarten, but I'm so ashamed. She always wondered why I moved houses so much and I just said my parents love moving. She never believes me but she doesn't bug me about it either. Ever since she saw Alexa and tony waiting outside one time, I think she figured it out.

"Sure Rachel, and penguins don't know how to fly" Britney said sarcastic right beside us
"Britt, they don't" I said confused

She looked shocked and offended

"Liar" she said

Santana and I just laughed. Brits always been a little strange. I don't mind, it's funny how her logic works in her mind.

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