Final Chapter

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"Are you ready?"He asked me with that smirk fell in love with

"Its about time we go home, "I smiled at him "I mean it's only been ten years"

"Yeah but are you sure you want to leave our life in New York behind?" he asked me one more time

"Finn, were about to have our fourth kid, and I think its time the other little ones got to see where we grew up, away from the city" I assured him

"alright then, lets go home" he smiled

"Well you heard the old man, get in the car everyone"I told my kids

They all smiled and jumped in the car with their pillows and blankets. About a couple months ago, when Finn and I found out we were pregnant again, we decided it was time to sell the penthouse and go back home. Theres nothing left for us here anymore. All of our family is back in Lima, and I've already fulfilled my broadway dream, its time for a new dream.

"hey I am not old" Finn whined

"daddy is that a gray hair?" Delilah asked him serious

he totally lost it and everyone in the backseat started laughing, including me.

"oh honey calm down, you're only 29" I laugh at him

"lilah, you're suppose to be on my side" Finn complained as we drove off

"sorry daddy, but there was an opportunity to make fun of you, and I took it" Delilah shrugged

"for my little girl, you sure are mean" Finn frowned

"Daddy, I'm not a little girl anymore, I'm eleven years old" Delilah declared

"Yeah a dumb eleven year old!" One of the twins laughed

"Speak for yourself Noah, at least I can count to 100" Delilah huffed

"Hey, be nice!" I shushed them all up

The three of them slouched in the back. After about four hours they were all fast asleep. Only five more hours and we'll be back in Ohio.

"You know I can drive for a while, so you could get some sleep" I tell Finn

"No, I'm not even tired" he said fighting back a yawn

"Sure you aren't, but since you're so stubborn let's talk, it seems like we haven't been able to do that for a while" I smile

"You mean since we had kids? Yeah I agree" Finn chuckled "well what would you like to talk about mrs.hudson?" Finn smirked

"What do you think this baby is going to be? Boy or girl?" I asked him

"Boy" he answers immediately

"Two more weren't enough for you?" I asked him laughing

"Nope" he laughed along

"Well I think it's going to be a girl," I answered

"Nah, we already have one" Finn argued

"We also have two little boys who are identical, so I think this ones going to be a girl, make the family even" I share "also I was right about the twins," I shrug

"You are never going to let me live that down, are you?" He asked smiling

"No way mister" I smile back

We stayed quiet for a bit,

"We did good, didn't we?" I ask glancing at the three of them in the back

Delilah was slightly snoring and the twins were all cuddled up into her side. I glance back at Finn whose staring at them through the mirror.

"Yeah, I'd say we did" he answered proud

I smile back at him and decide to take a little nap. This baby sure does wear me out, but it'll all be worth it. I remember thinking giving birth to Delilah was the worst and that I was never going to do it again..........then I had the twins, maybe this baby will spare me the agony from the last birth.

"Remember that feeling we use to have? the one where we always knew where we belonged?" I asked Finn

"What's do you mean?" He asked me confused

"The one where we always felt, you know like when we got married and I told you my home isn't someplace, it's you, well I've come to learn it's also where we fell in love, and I have a feeling it's going to be like that again when we're back in Lima" I remind him

All he does is kiss my knuckles, and leave me smiling

As I close my eyes I remember thinking of a time when I didn't even want Delilah, it's hard to imagine now, but I actually use to think I wasn't good enough for her. Now I'm glad I kept her.

"Rachel why are you so sure, you'll be bad at this whole mom thing, I mean maybe you'd actually be pretty good" Noah shrugs

"Can we please stop talking about this"
End of flashback

I guess in a weird way I have my brother to thank for not letting me give her up, and Finn of course. I don't even know what would've happened to us had I not had his support through out everything.

A couple hours later

Finn POV
I can't believe we actually drove all the way down here. Down home to Ohio. Truth be told I grew attached to New York. So I was pretty sad when we left. But Rachel was right, Lima is home. It's always been home.

"Are we there yet?" Ryan asked me

He and Noah were half asleep, while my little Delilah was knocked out. I knew they were still tired because we decided to leave around one a.m to get here early. But I'm not surprised the twins were the first ones to open their mouths and complain about when we were going to get here.

"Boys go back to sleep, your moms sleeping and we'll be there in two more hours" I told them

They both groaned and fell back asleep. Despite their whining and complaining, I will never stop loving the sound of their voices. It will always remind me of when they first started talking.

"Mommy! Look look they're about to start talking!" Four year old Delilah jumped up and down

"Wait, let me go get my phone!" I yelled with my full on beard

"I'm ready so use mine!" She said excited

We all sat in front of the twins in their high chairs ready for their first words only to have them laugh on our faces.

"But they already told me I was funny" Delilah pouted

"Wait what?" We asked Delilah upset

"Yeah watch," she says jumping in front of them doing the monkey face

They giggled and then they got quiet and Noah went "you!" And Ryan finished with "funny!" Then burst out into giggles while clapping their hands

"Oh my god they said their first words!!" Rachel and I jumped up out of the chair clapping

"You" Ryan said this time, and Noah finished with "funny"
End of flashback

Figures that's what they're first words were, but then I saw that glorious sign that said, Welcome to Lima,Ohio and I knew that feeling of belonging that Rachel was talking about a couple of hours ago. I felt it right now.

The sun was bright and Rachel was waking up as we reached the new house. She smiled at me and I couldn't help but fall more in love with her each second.

"We're home" she smiled at me

I smiled back and sighed happily. I decided to kiss her and remind her of what's always been obvious,

"You are my Home"

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