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Rach POV
It's been a couple weeks since Santana and Britt took me to the doctors, apparently I am one month pregnant. Noah and none of my foster family know I'm pregnant. Great isn't it? I avoid Robert and Eva as much as possible, I don't want them hurting my baby. The only time they hit me was when I came later then Noah. He got so mad, that he knocked Robert out.

It's a small bruise on my arm and a little red on my left cheek, but other than that I'm fine. The baby's fine, everything's fine. I still haven't told Finn, and I especially have not told Noah. I just don't know what I'm going to do when I hit three months and start showing.

Noah POV
I was cleaning up the room a little before Rachel comes home. She said she was going out with Santana and Brittany to eat before practice starts, and I'm not doing anything so why not? Plus I'm watching Alexa, Erik, and tony. Rick took Bridget to one of her "parent days" that they have at the daycare.

"Oh my god! Is rachie dying!????!!" Alexa asked shoving some pill bottles in my face

"What?" I ask grabbing the bottles "she's not dying because these are......prenatal vitamins" I say reading the label

I instantly feel my blood boil. So some low life got my baby sister pregnant! Someone's gonna pay, because Rachel isn't dating anyone, which means this asshole is abandoning her and my future niece or nephew. Also, SOMEONE KNOCKED UP MY BABY SISTER!!!!!!

"What's that?" Tony asks

Before I could answer I hear the door open and it's Rick with Bridget so I try not to loose it right now. Instead I go outside and stare at the pill bottles. How can this happen? When did this happen? I AM GOING TO KILL WHOEVER KNOCKED HER UP.

Right when I look up I see Rachel walking in with Santana. I get more mad by the freaken second so I go up to her and show her the pill bottle containing her vitamins, she stops smiling in a record time.


"Noah, please calm down," she tells me

"CALM DOWN? ARE YOU KIDDING ME YOURE FREAKEN PREGNANT RACHEL, PREGNANT!!" I yell some more, but then I walk up to face her "you better tell me who it is, because I am not messing around Rachel" I tell her seriously

She just looks down and Santana glares at me while linking her arms with Rachel. I don't care right now, but she better tell me.

"WHO KNOCKED YOU UP DAMN IT!" I yell which startles her

"If I tell you, promise me you won't kill him" Rachel tells me

I can't promise her that, I can't, so I stand there silent

"PROMSIE ME" she asks me louder

"Fine! I promise just tell me who it is!!" I yell

"Finn! Ok, I had sex with Finn and now I'm pregnant! Happy now?" She yells right back

I get so mad that I go inside grab my stuff and head straight to school to kick Finns dead ass!

"You said you wouldn't kill him!" Rachel cried

I just kept walking. Closing the gate behind so she doesn't catch up.

Rachel POV
I can't believe I told him! I haven't even told Finn yet! I quickly unlink my arms with Santana and run after Noah. No matter what I do, he keeps going ahead of me. I hear a beep on the side and see Santana. So I quickly get in and we go to school. I know that's where he's going.

At school

We finally arrived and I ran in to the choir room. I saw everyone who was there surrounding Noah beating up Finn. I know he wasn't going to stop so I start hitting his back.


Santana pulls me away as Finn flips them over,

"What the hell dude!?" Finn yell standing up instead of hitting him

But Noah punches him on the face, hard, and I see Finn get mad, so I go in between them, knowing that they'll stop, and they did.

"Stop it!" I yell at them "you promised!" I yell at Noah

"I'm not going to kill him I'm just going to hurt him really badly!" Noah yells going in again

But I was holding him back by standing in front of him. I was always his weakness, he wouldn't dare to hurt me.

"Let's just go home and talk about this ok?" I ask him

He looks down at me and we starts walking out. When I think he's right behind me, I hear him punch Finn again, so hard he leaned against the piano.

"That's for sleeping with my little sister!" Noah yelled

The whole club gasped, and right when Quinn walked in Noah punched him again,

"And that's for knocking her up" he says pissed off

No one even thinks of saying a word as Finn rubs his jaw and quickly stares at me as soon as he heard knocked up, but I just walked out with Noah.

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