She's so Tiny!

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We have been at this for three hours!


"You're doing great baby," Finn told me anyway

I was crying and sweating and squeezing. Yet this baby is still being stubborn. Get out of me already!


"One more push Rachel, just one more and we're done" he told me

"AHHHHHHHHH" I yelled out

I pushed as hard as I could and it hurt so much. The pain was awful and horrible. I don't understand how woman could do this or ever want this!

There was a loud cry and it wasn't from me. It was from the tiny little girl being cleaned off. All I could do was cry and laugh. I just had a baby.

"You did it Rach, you did it" Finn kissed my hand a bunch of times

"Rachel she's so tiny!" Santana laughed looking proud

"Here's your baby girl Rachel" one of the nurses said

She carefully placed her in my arms and suddenly the only thing that mattered was this tiny little person that Finn and I made. I couldn't help but cry harder. She was so small.

"I'll go tell everyone" Santana said

She walked out with some of the nurses. It was just the three of us. Finn, me, and baby Delilah. I was holding her in my arms and she extended her little hand and latched onto Finns pinky.

"Hi baby" I smiled at her

Finn was crying too. But our little moment was short lived when I looked up and saw Karen and Zachary. They didn't enter they just stood there. I think they knew what I had just come to realize.

I didn't want to give up Delilah and I most certainly know Finn doesn't want to either.

I feel awful but we haven't signed the adoption papers and I know now that I don't want too. I know it sounds crazy but we can do this. Together as a family.

James POV

"Karen don't" Zach told me before I walked in

"Why? That's our baby Zach" I said knowing full well what was about to happen

"You and I both know that the moment she held her daughter, she wasn't going to give her away" he told me sad

"But she told us she was going to give her to us, she can't just do that" my voice quivered

"Yes she can, she never signed the papers Karen, and even if she did she would have thirty days to change her mind that's how it works" Zach reminded me

I just cried and he walked over to me and walked me out. This was suppose to be a happy day. Not this.

Back to Rachels POV

I saw them walk out, but can you really blame us? Delilah is our daughter. Half Finn, half me. I think this is what was meant to happen, I would come to my senses and keep our baby. I just wish I didn't have to hurt Karen to do it.

The nurses that were here took Delilah away and said she would be next to the other newborns. So Finn helped me up, because pushing another human being can wear you out sometimes and he helped me walk to the baby ward.

By the time we got there I saw Delilah right in the middle of all the other babies. I couldn't help but stare at her and notice all of Finns feature on her.

"Did you love me?" I asked him

I was kind of afraid to hear the answer so I continued to watch Delilah.

"Yes" he responded simply

I quickly looked at him as he continued speaking,

"Especially now"

I smiled a little even covered with sweat and hairs sticking out, he manages to make me feel like I'm the only one in the world. We just stood there smiling.

"Which one is she?" Mercedes asked

Finn and I were holding hands and we both looked behind us to see everyone standing there, smiling at us

"Oh I know that one in the middle, she looks like Rachel" Kurt pointed out

"Yeah everything except the nose" Brittany confirmed

I guess that makes me feel a little bit happier. To know that she looks like me.

"She's beautiful you guys" Mr.Schue smiled

She is beautiful. She our beautiful little creation.

"What's her name?" Noah asked

He was standing right next to me and looking at his niece.

"Delilah," Finn told them "Delilah Carol Hudson" I added too

"You guys named her after me?" Carol asked behind everyone else

Burt was with her and she managed to make her way up to us,

"Of course Carol, you've done so much for me and you're the strongest woman I've met, so I think it would be nice for Deliliah to be carrying your legacy" I explained to her

"Plus Ma, we want Delilah to know her grandmas been there from the beginning" Finn smiled

"Come here you two" she said pulling us in

We hugged her back, and I glanced at Finn who just smiled intently. Now I know for sure, in my heart, that this was the right choice all along.

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