Opening Night

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"I'm breaking up with you"

I can't be with her, especially when Rachel is carrying my baby, and there's a chance she might keep it.

"What!?? You can't do this too me, we're suppose to go on in about five minutes!" Quinn yelled

"I have too, otherwise I'll never do it, I need to be there for Rachel and the baby, you have to understand Quinn, I love her"

I was answered with a slap across the face. I honestly don't care, we're about to do the time warp scene, and it's a full house. But I just need to tell her, I saw her getting ready across the room. I was about to go and tell her, I was even walking towards her but puck stopped me.

"Don't do it, she's very vulnerable and I don't want you confusing her even more, so she can share a house with you and sing with you but you need to butt out when it comes to your feelings for her because you're either with her or not, you can't have it both ways " puck said pissed off

I was about to explain to him how I'm always going to be with Rachel but the crew members were rushing to the stage and it was too late. But I am determined to show Rachel I'm here for her and her only.

After the show

Rachel POV
Now that opening night is over the anxiety seems to be so far away. I can't but feel relief and excitement for the next two nights. Especially because tonight was such a success. I was about to hug Santana but I saw lily at the door holding tulips.

"Noah," I called for him

He stopped walking too one of the guys and gets mad. In fact he grabs my hand and scolds me about staying away. While in the process of warning me lily walks over to us. Just like the last time I saw her.....she almost looked normal.

"Leave us alone" Noah said putting me behind him

"I know you guys don't believe me but I really do want to try and make it better between us, at least prove to you guys I'm clean now, I'll do anything" lily begs

"If you really want to prove it to us then leave us alone" Noah yelled

I saw how hurt she looked and it pains me to say this, but she is our mother. She was about to walk away defeated but I couldn't let that happen.

"Wait!" I called out

Noah gave me his look that he reserves for me when I'm about to do something stupid.

"Don't go, I don't want to regret this but I can't live with the fact that you're trying to get better and I'm shutting you out" I inform her carefully

"Rachel! What are you doing?" Noah whispered

I go in front of him and face lily,

"I don't think I can forgive you yet, and it probably won't be anytime soon, but I can try" I shrug on the verge of tears

Lily's face instantly lights up and she comes closer with so much hope and determination.

"I won't let you guys down, I promise, I will spend the rest of my life proving myself to you two" she smiles at us

I glance at Noah who had his arms crossed and didn't look convinced, and back at lily who was nodding gratefully to me. She hands me the flowers and walks away.

"You're setting yourself up for disappointment" Noah told me stern

"I'm setting myself up for a chance to fix a broken relationship," I tell him

Why is it so hard for him to at least try and give her a chance? I know she hasn't done anything to deserve it but he owes it to himself too.

"Noah, I'm giving my baby up and I think I can understand why lily thought it was best for us to go, because I don't want to this baby to be stuck with a life where I'm not able to provide the best opportunities it can get, so I think I at least need that closure with her, and I think you do too, so please at least try to hear her out this once" I tell him

I end up walking away to let him be alone with his thoughts for a while. He owes it to himself, because in the end, he'll only regret the chances he didn't take.

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