Potenetial families

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Right after I told Noah to take me to the adoption agency, he did. But I asked him to leave. When he saw how distraught I was, he did. So now I'm here, ready to look at potential families for my baby.

"Hello Rachel, what can I do for you today?" One of the women working here asked

"I'd like to see into potential families" I told her straight forward

"Oh, well let me get you set up, but before we start. Have you told the fathers child yet?" She asked me

"Yes, and he's not going to be looking into families with me at the moment" I explain

"Alright, well let me seat you in a room so we can take your information" she smiled

I smiled back and sat down. I'm only two months, almost three. So my bump is growing, but I'm in a dress so it's not noticeable. But I should be getting huge soon.

"Alright, let's take your information shall we?" She says sitting down

"Full name?"

"Rachel Barbra Berry-Puckerman" I answer


"16 1/2 " I answer

"Date of birth?"

"December 18 1993" I answer

"Now do you understand that you have 30 days to change your mind once you sign the papers ?"


"Have you come here under your free will?"


"Do you wish to sign the papers now, or wait until after the baby is born?" She asks

I thought about it, if I do it now, then I'll have given my baby away for sure. But if I sign it the day of her birth, there's a possibility I can keep her.

"You don't have to decide now" the lady informs me

"I don't want to sign, I just want too look at families" I answer

"Alright well get you started, we have three potential families today, do you wish to see more or less?" She asks

"Three is fine" I answer

"Alright right this way miss Puckerman" she smiles

She directs me towards a light blue room. It has rainbows and butterflies on the wall. As I walk in I see a gay couple sitting at the small table in the middle. She lets me in and leaves. So I take a seat.

"It is so nice to meet you, Rachel, I'm Tyler and this is my husband Kyle" the tall and tan man said

They looked nice, and friendly

"Hello," I great

"How far along are you?" Kyle asked, he was more short and darker

"Two months, almost three," I confirm

I want to ask them so many questions but Tyler interrupts,

"We'd make excellent parents, I mean Kyle is a very successful teacher and I am a lawyer, we live in Cincinnati which isn't too far from here if you'd ever like to visit. We'd also be up for an open adoption" he continues but I stop him

"Um no, that won't be necessary, I um, don't want an open adoption" I tell him

"Oh, well that's fine, but um we have very stable jobs and we live in a nice two story home with four bedrooms," Kyle inputs

"How long have you two been together?" I ask him

I don't want my baby living with an unstable couple, I want them to live in a happy and safe environment where everything is happy and cheery.

"We've been married for three years, but we were dating for five" they both answered

Okay, that seems good,

"What exactly would you be able to do for my baby?" I ask them

"Well, we'd make sure they would be in a sport or music whatever suits their passion, and well we're very pro organic, so the baby would be living a very healthy lifestyle," Tyler explains

"We'd also make sure they would grow up very open minded about the world" Kyle said putting his hand on Tyler's

I immediately smile, they seem like a nice couple, but I just I don't see my baby with them, even though they're perfect. I don't know what it is, but I can't function with the idea that my baby is going to be in the care of someone else. It's killing me. But it's what's best for her.

I stand up,

"Well thank you for your time, and I'll make sure to keep you two in mind" I smile shaking their hands

"The pleasure was ours, we hope to see you again" they smile

I walk out and immediately head for the door. On my way I see the lady who was getting my information, I glance at her name tag, Joanne,

"I'm sorry Joanne, I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed I'm just going to head home" I tell her while walking out

Before she says anything I open the door and walk as fast as I can. Everything is happening so quickly. I'm already interviewing couples to be parents to my baby, and I don't know how to feel. I just know that this is what's best.

But right now I just need a break, or maybe it was the couple, I don't know, my head is spinning. I want my baby, I really do, but I can't keep her, especially since I have no one but Carol, Finn and Noah and I can't burden them with this baby, I just can't. They've been so good to me.

I know Finn wants to keep her but how are we suppose to keep her when we have no steady income, no home, no future, nothing. We're high school students, and she deserves lawyer parents or a freaken dad that's a teacher.

Anything but high school students who are way in over their heads.

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