Glow in the Dark

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Rachel POV
The house was practically on overload. There's so many people here that I didn't even know could make this place look tiny. I honestly feel like a needle in a giant haystack. I was trying to find puck because of my little prank.

You see Santana has this really cool marker that glows in the dark. While my brother was sleeping this morning I made sure to draw some creative pictures on his face. We also switched out all the alcohol with water and Bridget's apple juice. I want to see how long it takes for people to realize they're not actually getting drunk.

"So how's the plan with Finn going?" Santana asks

"Non-existent he's my friend and it's probably going to stay that way" I input

"I'm sure that's not true, here have trouty mouth to let you forget Finn" Santana said handing me a blonde dude on her arm

"Um San, I don't even know this dude" I tell her

"He's on the football team and he's here to make sure that Finn gets jealous of the two of you, genius I know" Santana said walking away

"San!" I yell after her but she's gone

"So where's Finn? I know you do want to make him jealous" Sam smiles

"It's true I do, but I don't really think it'll work, he's here with his girlfriend!" I yell over the music

"Is she pretty?" He asks me

"Yeah!" I yell

"I'm pretty sure she's nowhere near beautiful as you, so let's go!" He yells

We were walking around looking for Finn. For a minute I almost forgot the best part of the night, but we kept walking. Sam was actually a pretty decent guy. But I still have these tiny little feelings for Finn. Then I saw him and freaked out. I took a big sip of water.

"I need to go look for my brother first! I'll be right back" I said walking away

Sam just nodded at me and stood there sipping what I assume is apple juice. So I laughed and saw Noah being laughed at by Finn and Quinn and everybody else. Oh no I was trying to avoid Finn. But I saw him-you know what I need more water.

This is like my fifth cup and I feel so crazy. I don't know why though, it's just water!

"What so funny?!" He yelled mad

I took a picture of him with my phone and started laughing my loud annoying one. Noah looked at me and grabbed my phone. When he did he just stood there nodding his head,

"I deserved this" he said

I was laughing and I couldn't stop. I honestly felt my body being controlled by someone else. I felt someone show up behind me. I turned and Santana was laughing too.

"oh and there's also no alcohol here just water and apple juice" Santana laughed

"Wait, yeah there is, karofstky and his buddies brought beers and vodka" puck said confused

"Oh no" I said looking down at my drink

But instead of freaking out I just laughed. Noah looked confused and he grabbed my cup. He started smelling it and Santana and I looked at each other and stared laughing more. Quinn was yelling at Finn and he just walked away. I was too busy laughing to realize he showed up next to me.

"Wait Rachel how many of these have you drank?" Noah asked me

I laughed again and held up my hand showing five.

"Rachel, this is pure vodka!" He yelled

"So that's why it burned!" I laughed with Finn and Santana

I'm assuming we're all drunk. The three of us started laughing and walking away while holding onto each other. Santana fell on the couch landing on top of Brittany. Finn and I pointed and laughed.

"Omg! Finn you are so hot!" I laughed

Finn stopped laughing and looked at me. So I stopped laughing. Then before I knew it he pinned me up against the wall, kissing me. I let him carry me all the way to my room.

We fell on the bed just making out. I took off my heels and we were still kissing. Then Finn stood up taking off his shirt. I just touched his abs and the kissing continued.

The rest is history.

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