It's Been a Couple Months

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Senior year is officially a go. We've been at this for about four months now and it's almost time for Delilah to be celebrating five months.

Everything seems to be really turning around from last year. I mean I was still being sworn enemies with Quinn, my brother didn't trust me and I ended up pregnant, my mom was roaming around on drugs and my foster family was awful, not to mention I wasn't even in a real relationship with Finn.

But now look at me I am really good friends with Quinn thanks to glee and my brother who trusts me completely considering I am a mom, and my own mom is sober and working on our relationship, and mine with Finn has been going amazing. Also I've officially closed that chapter in my life of foster families for good. They haven't bothered me at all since Robert got put in jail.

Life's been good and it's about to get better because I am still consisting straight A's in all classes. New York here I come, or at least a really well college like Ohio state. I know I know, three years ago I would probably ramble about New York but now I have a family to think about, and a life.

"November is almost over which means it's almost time for Christmas!" Kurt squealed

"Yeah, my abuela from my dads side is coming down from Mexico and we're going to have a bunch of Posole and tacos!" Santana smiled

"My sisters coming to town too, she's been in California for the past year, UCLA" Quinn contributed

"What about you Rachel? Any plans with Finn and Delilah?" Santana asked me

"Well actually Noah, Finn, Delilah, and I are all spending Christmas with-"

"Us, of course, honestly it's not like Carol would really allow otherwise, the holidays drive that woman over the edge if her children and grandchildren aren't present," Kurt interrupted

"Yeah, I'm actually excited for Christmas, Noah and I actually have a real family to spend it with this year," I smile

"Oh dad and Carol also told me to remind you and Noah to bring over Bridget, Alexa, Rick, tony, and Erik" Kurt told me stern

"Of course, I miss them so much, ever since Delilah was born I haven't really stopped by anymore," I say kind of sad

I haven't seen them since I was nine months pregnant. I miss them. They were there since the beginning of everything. Plus they are my first and true family, even though we're not blood related.

"Well I mean the more the merrier" Quinn added

"Speaking of, it's time to sing some Christmas carols" Santana reminded us

"Right, hats on everybody" I said

"What hats?" Brittany asked

Santana just smiled and put the second hat she was carrying on Brittany's head. We were all waiting for the teacher to let us in. Everybody else was in their own little worlds. Right before we walked in someone put their hands over my head and leaned against the locker.

"Hey babe"

"Why hello handsome" I smiled back

"Oh get a room" Santana said playfully disgusted

"Didn't you two already make a baby!" Kurt mocked

"I can't help it if she's the smartest girl with the hottest body here" Finn smiled at me

He leaned down for a kiss but I put my finger on his lips instead

"You are too kind, but we're about to go in and sing, so this will have to wait" I informed him while leaning in, leaving him wanting more

All the girl chuckled and made fun of Finn as I lead the group inside. How cute, he thinks I'll start making out with him again. Not today, yesterday was a freebie since it was the second to last day of November, but now it's time too get serious and sing some Christmas music!

"Oh come on babe, you're killing me" Finn whispered in my ear as he stood behind me

"But you still love me" I smile in return

I felt his lips on the side of my cheek

"That is most definitely true" he replied

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