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Time jump

It's almost time for Delilah to pop out. Over these past three months I've really grown closer with Karen. She always invited me for lunch. Finn usually spends his time on the field now a days. I think he's finally accepting the fact that they're adopting Delilah.

Karen is like the mother figure I never had, unlike Eva who never worried where I ran off too. But I am perfectly fine with that since she is absolutely horrible. But right now I'm spending quality time with my brother.

"Can't we just go inside already?" I whined

"No, doctor Wu said you need to be doing some type of exercise so that baby Delilah can pop out soon and healthy" Noah reminded me

"You want her to be healthy right?" Santana questioned

"Obviously, but she can be healthy from the safety of the couch inside" I tell them

"Rach, all you have to do is reach for the ball" Finn said about three feet away from me

He was holding this giant blue pregnancy ball. I was suppose to reach for it but it's too hard! But if I want those peaches inside I have to do it.

"Ahhhh" I yell while reaching for it

After like a billion years, Finn finally decided to let me have the ball and I win. The three of them help me up.

"Ready...1....2.......3!" Santana shouts

I stand up on my two feet and the baby starts kicking me. Let me tell you something about that, it is nothing like freaking butterflies. It is like someone decided to shoot canon balls all through the inside of my stomach. Not fun.

"Did you want me to drop you off at the James house again?" Noah asked

"Yeah Karen said she wanted to look at colors for Delilah's nursery" I answer while grabbing some peaches and cheez it's, with of course, bacon

"So how you holding up?" Santana asks from across the table

"Well, I don't cry at night anymore and I think that Karen and Zachary will take very good care of her" I answer as honest as I can

Except of course for the first part where Finn glanced at me because he holds me when I cry at night.

"I'll drop her off, you guys just make yourselves at home" Finn says as we walk out

"Don't mind if we do" they both say while beginning to raid the fridge

At the James residence

"Finn you finally came" Karen greeted

"Yeah, I decided to come with Rachel today"he answered awkwardly

We walked inside and we glanced at each other when we saw her overalls.

"Oh I'm just painting, come take a look" she said

We followed her all the way to this room at the end of the hallway. It looked very spacious.

"Zachary thinks we should paint this room pink but I want to paint it white, what do you two think?" Karen asks us

"Um, I like white" I shrug

"Yeah whites a good color" Finn agrees

It's always a little awkward with Finn because he gets so uncomfortable. I don't blame him, I get like that sometimes too.

"Well then white it is" she smiles "would you guys like some water or lemonade?" She asks kindly

"I'll just have water, and I'm pretty sure Rachels craving chocolate milk" Finn smiles at me

I just smile back because it's true. It's like he memorized what I eat most of the time, because he always seems to know exactly what I want.

"Oh you're having cravings? What's that like?" Karen asks hopeful

"Well, I eat a lot of weird things like all the time" I answer

"The baby really likes peaches the most, right now" Finn adds on

"Yeah with some whipped cream, Oo, and some cheddar cheese sprinkled a little bit on top with some-"

"Sprinkles" Finn finished

"Wow, that is weird" Karen laughs "well I don't know about cheddar cheese but we do have some whip cream and sprinkles if you think the baby would like that on some ice cream?" Karen asked us

"Well she only eats wild cherry ice cream, I tried having her try some vanilla ones or strawberry, but all she insisted on was wild cherry" Finn informed her

It's true, plus cherry has always been my favorite, so of course the baby likes it too.

"Actually Karen I kind of ate before I came here, so thank you for the offer, but I'll have to decline on ice cream right now" I smile

Now that Finn has proved to me for about the millionth time that he's perfect. I get even more sad when I see Karen. Especially that nursery room, because in another life, Finn and I would be the ones decorating it. Not Karen.

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