Chapter 47

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It's been an entire week since we came back from our trip to Trinidad and I haven't seen or spoken to anyone other than G since the last meet up with everyone. Everyone was M.I.A. and just in their own world. Even the group chat wasn't popping, that's how you knew things was busy with everyone.

I was super excited to share all the details from this trip with everyone even though a woman doesn't kiss and tell, my girls needed to know that I actually had fun, even though I didn't quite expected to have that much fun with G's company. If I didn't spill the tea, someone was gonna try and pry it out of me.

"Hey girl heyyyyy!!" I smiled widely as my eyes made four with Dena's embracing her into a tight hug.

"Hey!" She greeted me as we parted "You look good." She looked me over.

I was in need of a new outfit for a dinner I was attending tonight and I was hopping to turn this shopping spree into a girls lunch date today, but only Dena was free. So it was gonna be just us two, looking for a cute outfit for tonight and for us to get our food on, since Dena does lover her belly.

"Thanks for coming out" I thanked her being grateful that she made it out.

"Girl it's nothing" she flagged me off "I was getting tired of being in that house. What's up?"

Dena was one of the lucky ones to be blessed with a man like Ryan who wanted her to quit her job and take care of her for the rest of their lives. That right there was the type of husband material I was looking for but I enjoyed working so I might have kicked a fuss.

"Just looking for an outfit for a dinner tonight" I said to her briefly not wanting to get into much detail about it.

Besides, it was just a simple dinner and I was just looking for something classy, simple but effective. It has to make a statement but not be allllll out there.

"Ouuu dinner party huh? Fancy!" She looked through a few racks of clothing "What do you have in mind? Skirt? Dress? Pants? What are you feeling to wear?"

"Not sure" I shrugged really not knowing what look I was going for "Just something simple but effective."

"You gotta get you a date after this lil dinner party" She added while taking a few clothing off the racks "I think I got enough clothes for you to try on."

I nodded while making my way over to the dressing room to try on the many article of clothing she picked out for me. I was just hopping she doesn't have my breast out and ass hanging out. I wasn't trying to give out the wrong impression tonight.

"Got it" she acknowledge what image I was looking for "How was the trip? Tell me everything and don't leave anything out either." She pointed a finger at me.

I couldn't help but laugh "Pumpkin enjoyed herself eating every and anything and she piratically lived in the pool" I answered her.

It was something about the water that captivated Pumpkin to just love it. Ever since she was a baby, always splishing and splashing.

"Yes I saw the pictures you posted. Baby girl was all over my timeline looking super cute" Dena stated "She's always smiling and bubbly."

"Carnival was carnival" I continued speaking with a shrug "What did you expect it to be?"

"Eh nothing new" She flagged it off "I gotta make a trip back home"

"Nothing changed really" I informed her "A few more buildings were put up-"

Trinidad will always have a space in my heart, as I am a Trini to di' Bone and nothing can change that. I always thought about going back and living there but my life was and besides, I couldn't take Pumpkin away from G... Again!

The Island Girl's New Beginning Book 2Where stories live. Discover now