Chapter 27

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I'm going to give y'all a sneak peek of my new book called Russian Queens. It's mafia related for those of you who like the thrills. Also, I had a bomb idea for my August book but I consulted my trusty about it and she doesn't see him as the person I want him to be. So I'm back to the drawing board with that.

Now for my absolute fav right now Russian Queens 👑

Albert Shishkova is a Georgian-Russian mafia boss, notorious gangster and thief in law, who is widely believed to be one of the most prominent members of the Russian and Georgian mafias.

He is the most senior member of the Russian mafia to have been arrested outside of Russia. He was subsequently extradited to Spain and found guilty of money laundering and racketeering.

Fraud by Wire
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act Conspiracy
Mail Fraud
Money Laundering Conspiracy
Money Laundering
Aiding and Abetting
Securities fraud
Filing False Registration With the SEC
False Filings With the SEC
Falsification of Books and Records
Human Trafficking
Drug trafficking
Arms trafficking

He has the highly prized right to be the sole supplier of gasoline to the city which was a deal he made. The deal allegedly triggered a violent gang war during which there was an attempt on Shishkova life. After being sprayed by machine gun fire he fell into a month-long coma. His right arm had to be amputated at the shoulder and bullets pierced his stomach, chest and lungs. To this day he still has bullet fragments left in his heart.

Alleged Russian organized crime boss, believed by European and United States federal law enforcement agencies to be the "boss of bosses" of most Russian Mafia syndicates in the world. Shishkova is believed to direct a vast criminal empire and is described by the FBI as "the most dangerous mobster in the world."  He has been accused by the FBI of "weapons trafficking, contract murders, extortion, drug trafficking, and prostitution on an international scale."

Follow his daughters as they take over his trusted empire as Russian Queens.

Should I continue this book? Comment if y'all like Russian Queens so far. Next chapter I'll share what I  have for my August book.



"Little girl what are you doing?" I questioned Kae like she can understand me.

She was laying on the middle of my bed looking up at me kicking her feet and swinging her arms. She was making little noises as well, as what I'm guessing is smiling.

"I guess your excited to see me" I said to her as I laid next to her on the bed.

It's been a month and a few weeks since she appeared at my doorstep. I honestly don't question that she's mine but it's unbelievable how so real it is for me.

I never once thought I'll have kids, now I got two girls from two different women. Damn! Taking a DNA test on Kae weight heavy on my mind, but I didn't want to disrespect her mothers wishes. I'll just wait until she comes back.

It's funny how much Kae favors Kin Kin when she was a baby. Which is why I don't question if Kae is mines. Then again, people said Kin looks a lot like Kai just with my complexion.

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