Chapter 5

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A/N: To clear confusion for my little pretties, chapter 5 onward would be told in BOTH past and present. Until I figure out the exact timeline for the present, it will just be noted as THE PRESENT in that POV NOT the entire chapter or story. Y'all with me? Present POV WON'T be told by the main character i.e YG and Kai, UNTIL further notice but for now they're both explaining the 5 month period that was 'supposedly' missed out. Basically what G did when Kai came back and when she went M.I.A.. stuff like that. Three things, 1, chapters will be lengthy, which means updates would be slow cuz' I have to bring y'all up to date with the timeline of the book which is dated around May 2015. [Book 1 was based on a 2014 timeline for those who didn't know] 2, A lot of things are about to go down in this book I already have it planned out in my head but as time goes by I also seem to change my mind which may confuse you and I'm sorry but you just need to read and follow with the flow. And 3, More characters will be added to this book slowly which means new personalities to keep up with the b.s that's about to happen. I also welcome suggestions in my inbox. 😉


Expect the unexpected..


The month of April...

I was at the trap with the guys just lounging around. We just got through a couple rounds of cards.

"A nigga finna win him self a new pair of J's" Rack yelled.

"Man that ain't shit, I'm finna get my ass some weed" Goofy yelled.

"Nigga you smokes to much, got your brain cells dead got you thinking your gonna win" Rack said to him.

"Gizzle you up for ano'da round?" A member of the gang asked.

"Nah man I'm straight" He nodded as he shuffled the deck.

We had a job to do in a little while so I was scrolling through Instagram as I came upon a recent picture Kai had posted. Her stomach was barely visible as her hands were placed on it, with that cheery smile as she looked down at it. Her caption read 'Expect the unexpected for only good things shall prevail 👣💕👶'. I continued to scroll through her pictures, reading another caption 'Two heart beats are always better than one💓🐣'. I laughed to myself because of the little chick hatching emoji she had in the caption.

I lit a blunt as I watched a video a of her and Xavier as they both had their water guns pointed at each other.

"I declare war" X said as he hit behind a chair "Give up now or all your men will die"

"NEVEEERRRRR" Kai yelled.

"ATTACK!!!!" X ran over to her squirting her.

She tried to shield herself as she ran to him, picking him up before jumping into the pool.

"I know you don't smoke weed anymore" Ace said as he took a seat next to me.

It's true I've stayed away from it for awhile but it some how tempted me and I couldn't resist. Just as I couldn't resist the sexually pleasures of other women rather than the one I once had.

I just shrugged.

"Let me guess" he started "That's ol' girl?" I nod.

"Let me see" I handed him my phone as I laid back.

"She's gorgeous man. How the hell did you even fuck this shit up?" He questioned.

"Stuck in my old ways"

"And she's pregnant?" I nod "If it wasn't yours you wouldn't be here in your feelings and you know that. Not all women are the same, they don't do the same shit us niggas do. Trust, I've had my fair share of em'. What kind of man are you to abandon your own flesh and blood? We fam and I'm not going to throw you a pitty party and you wrong, you ain't got shit to do, fix it." He stood  "We leave in 15, get yo' shit toge'da" With that, he left.

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