Chapter 15

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A/N: Harlem Nights is up ^.^ Dave East is bae ... && Deception is going really well, check them out. All my books are related, so read closely. I was chef Curry with the pot when I whipped this chapter up today. *flips hair*


Kai's fly ass in the MM


Apologies. Don't mean anything if you keep .Doing what you're sorry for.



In the middle of our conversation, I heard the locks on the door along with the rattling of the keys, signaling that Kai was home. She soon after appeared with grocery bags as she stood there looking at the four of us.

"Can y'all help me" She said irritated.

The guys huffed as Slim handed Pumpkin to me as she snuggled into me.

"Cuz you birth my God child I'm helping you" Slim said before walking out the door.

"THANK YOU SLIM JIMMY" She yelled as she made her way to the kitchen.

He laughed "Why are you calling me that wack ass name?"

She shrugged "Cuz I wanna blood, you got a problem boa?"

Goofy and Tee started laughing.

"Na blood we bool or whatever" Slim stated

I clearly cradle Pumpkin in my hands walking into the kitchen were Kai was putting up the groceries. She was standing on the counter trying to get to the higher cabinets.

"You know you could have just asked" I said which made her jump.

"Oh my God" She breathed out, while holding her chest "Don't do that"

I chuckled "My bad"

She glared at me as she walked over to me. She clearly kissed Pumpkin's forehead before I went up to her room. I placed her into her crib pulling her blanket over her. I bent down to kiss her forehead as I made my way out her room and down the hall. I made my way into the kitchen where Kai was taking the goods out the bag.

"The guys left" She informed me as her eyes fell on me.

I nodded "You need any help there?"

She smiled shyly as she nodded. I grabbed a few things placing them in their respective places.

"Thanks for looking after Pumpkin and your other kids at such a short notice" She said with a chuckle.

"She is my child so no need to thank me" I said "As for the others" I laughed "They need adult supervision"

She laughed along with me and I noticed the way her nose will wrinkle which I've missed seeing. Her makeup less face was flawless and I couldn't help but notice bare beauty.



"Did you hear what I just said?"


She chuckled "I said I was going to take a bath, help yourself to whatever you like"

I nodded as she smiled and walked out the kitchen and down the hall, where I heard a door closed. I can't believe I let something as sweet as her leave me. I was too caught up to realize what I had, until it was already to late.

After about a good hour of me sulking in my pitty, Kai finally came back taking a seat in the love seat across from me in the living room.

"I thought you would have made something to eat" She smiled that luminous smile which radiated any dark space.

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