Thanksgiving Dinner Special

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"What's on the menu for tomorrow?" Kai questioned as she leaned on the kitchen counter

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"What's on the menu for tomorrow?" Kai questioned as she leaned on the kitchen counter.

It was the day before Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Eve if you so wish to call it that. The house was filled with cheers and laughter as traditional Thanksgiving music played in the background. The sound of kids playing can be heard all through the house.

"An entire feast" Mama YG said with a cheery grin.

She was overly excited to have her family together on this joyous holiday and she couldn't be anymore thankful than she already was. This gathering was going to take place at her home, which held many years of family dinners. This was just going to add another memory for her to hold and cherish in her many years to come.

"All who's coming ma?" Keke, her eldest daughter questioned.

There was no question on how big the Jackson family tree was and still is growing.

"Everyone is going to be here" She added "Invitations have already been sent"

"I just hope Uncle Harold doesn't come, he irks my nerves" Keke said disgusted.

As much as everyone was excited for the food, the gathering of family doesn't always mix well. Last Thanksgiving were a few words less than joyous and more on the 'petty' side of things.

"Now Keke, that is your Uncl-" Mama YG was cut off by her daughter.

"No no, I am related to his wife whom is MY Aunt. Him on the other doesn't belong here" Keke rolled her eyes.

Ever since a child, Keke was thought to not disrespect her elders but for some reason she could never hold her tongue when it came to that man.

"And Aunt Hatty better not be there. She's always running her mouth recklessly" Keke added.

"She is family Ke" Mama YG said.

"Mama G, you don't mind if I invited Tatty and Chris as well as my father would you? Since this is their first Thanksgiving and I would be here with you" Kai asked Mama YG.

Trinidad doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving as Americans do and her family would feel left out since both Kai and Pumpkin will be spending this holiday with the Jackson family.

"Yes honey you don't even have to ask. The more the merrier and y'all know how much I love Tatty's boys, those cute adorable little boys" Mama YG shared a small chuckle.

Kai chuckled "Yes they are adorable aren't they"

"Londyn if you don't stop running in this house" Keke told her as she ran passed her in the hall "Now if you slip and fall, you'll get hurt"

The Island Girl's New Beginning Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora