Chapter 3: Human

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Wanting the Bad Boy - Chapter 3: Human

School starts in less than a week. I hated school. I didn't mind the learning, but I didn't like the homework and the tests and don't even get me started on the people. I couldn't stand all of the annoying people at school. The teachers and the students drove me insane. I only had a few friends at my school, not that I'm complaining. I liked having a minimal amount of people in my life to worry about.

I walked to the front steps of my house and placed my hand on the door knob. I turned it slowly and pushed on the door but it didn't move. Ugh, I mentally groaned to myself. I lightly banged my fist on the door a couple of times. There was no answer. I knocked a little louder. There was still no answer. Of course. I didn't expect anything more from them.

I dug through my pant pockets and pulled out a chain that had three keys on it. One for my car, one for work, and one for my house. You would think I wouldn't need to use it if my parents were right on the other side of the door. I unlocked the door and opened it to find my parents sitting in the living room on the other side. My mom sat on the couch with her feet tucked underneath her while she read a book and my dad sat across from her in a armchair reading a newspaper.

"You two look comfortable," I said as I walked to the stairs. Neither of them took their eyes off their reading. I rolled my eyes and walked up the stairs to my room.

They never pay me any attention. It's like I'm not even here. I slammed my bedroom door behind me and ripped my jacket off. I threw it onto my bed and . I ran my fingers through my hair and threw my fist towards the empty wall that was already forming a whole from the many other times when I had hit it out of frustration.

My parents hadn't paid attention to me since my sister. It tore me apart. Every single night I come home and I think about what it would be like if they loved me. I stay awake every single night. I barely get any sleep. Being at parties and being away from them makes it all easier, but I'm still stuck here. Whenever I come back here I just want to scream. I want to yell to them that they've ruined me. They've ruined my whole life. I can only take so much.

With every thought that ran through my head, my fist hit the wall once more. There was a large indent now, where the paint was chipping and the wall was cracking.

"I can do it!" I yelled to them, not that they would care anyway. "I can be a good son, if only you would let me," I said quieter.

I rested my head against the wall and held my hands at the side of my face. They don't say anything, but I can hear them. I know what they are thinking. You're weak. You're a disgrace. We hate you. We would be better off without you. I don't understand why though.

Their words run through my head. They are like knives in my heart. I have to build myself up and all they do is try to tear me apart. I'll get through it like I always do.

I slowly walked towards my bed while I got undressed. I pulled my shirt off over my head and threw it to the ground. I unbuckled my belt and took my jeans off. I climbed into bed and pulled the blankets over me. I groaned into my pillow and turned off the light on my nightstand.

I woke up the next morning the same way I always do. Annoyed and angry. I walked over to my dresser after laying in bed for half an hour longer than I should have. It was Friday, meaning my last day of work before school started. I pulled myself out of bed and to the shower. The water was freezing at first, but after a while it became relaxing. The shower was where I did most of my thinking. Not many people knew this but it was insanely hard for me to calm my thoughts. My mind was always wandering.

After my shower, I went back to my room and got dressed. I threw on a black t-shirt and jeans and went downstairs. I grabbed my car keys from the counter and went out of the house after grabbing a granola bar from the cabinet.

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