Chapter 21: Invincible

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Wanting the Bad Boy - Chapter 21: Invincible

Alex's POV

Colbie and I were on our way to the cliff where we really met for the first time. I was driving obviously and I was strapped in by my seat belt since she wouldn't let us leave until I did. She cared, a little too much sometimes.

We pulled into the parking spot and walked over to the cliff. I had two blankets in my hands. I had picked her up from Casella's house since I wasn't allowed to hang out with her anymore. Her parents did not like me. She slept over at Casella's so I could pick her up early and we could drive over here. It was 5:32. Right on time for the sun to rise. It was already light out and the sun was blocked behind some clouds. It was a beautiful view.

We sat at the edge and I wrapped one of the blankets around her shoulders and the other around me. I let my feet dangle over the edge, but just like before, she kept her feet up and sat criss-cross apple sauce.

She gazed at the horizon. Her eyes lit up and reflected the sun. It made them even more radiant. "Alex," she said not even looking at me.

"Yeah," I said. I blew hot air onto my hands to keep them warm.

She looked at me and squinted her eyes. "I made you tell me a lot about you, but there's something that I haven't told you yet and that's not fair of me."

I shook my head. "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to."

She smiled a bit then looked at her hands in her lap. "I want to tell you. I want you to know everything about me." I nodded. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes like she was trying to go back to another place. "I used to live just a few towns over. One of my last few days there, I was with some of my friends. I was with three other girls. We went out to a club and I had a little too much to drink and so did they. They left me there and I had to stumble my way home."

I knew exactly what she was telling me. It was that night. "Colbie-"

"No, let me finish. If I don't say it now, I never will." She took a deep breath. "When I was trying to get home, I ended up in an alley. It was a bad part of town. I shouldn't have been there. When I was in the alley, someone stopped me. It was a mad. He was drunk too. He pushed me against a wall. He pulled at my clothes. He," she paused, "touched me." She had tears rolling down her cheeks. I brushed them away with my thumb. "The only reason why I wasn't raped that night was because a guy found me and pulled him off of me. I ran after that. I haven't told anyone."

"Colbie," I said looking her in the eyes. "I know." She looked confused. She was thinking. She was remembering. She was still confused though. "The guy that saved you, was me. I was in that alley that night with Dylan and I saw you." She was shocked, like it wasn't true. "I was the one who pulled him off of you. I was the one who kicked him in the temple. It was me Colbie."

Her eyes got wide and more tears flowed. She jumped towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me into a hug. "Alex," she whispered. I ran my fingers through her hair and smiled. "Thank you," she said.

I pulled away. "Don't thank me. It was the right thing to do." She smiled at me, then backed up. "Why were you at the club anyway?"

She laughed to herself. It wasn't like the story was funny, it was more like she was laughing at her mistake. "I was out there because my boyfriend had just broken up with me. We had been together for two years. We were supposed to be together forever. He promised me. Then one day, he just stopped talking to me. I was confused. I had no idea what was going on. Then he broke up with me after a week of not talking. He texted me and said he thought we should end things. I was a mess. My whole world came crashing down. We had been childhood friends. Ever since we were little and then he ruined it all." She shook her head and laughed again.

"I was in a bad place last summer," she said looking at me. "I was depressed and messed up. Thinking about it all I don't know why I was there. I don't know why I went to that club and I shouldn't have. I was running from my life. The girls I was with left me there. I thought they were my friends. After that night things got even worse for me. I lost all hope. I was afraid and scared of everything. I stayed home most days. I felt so betrayed by everyone. I was all alone. I felt like I couldn't trust anyone." She was getting upset again. "But then you came along. I met you and all of your friends. It helped me. I got better for the most part on my own, but when I got here, I knew I wasn't going to go back to the old me."

I just looked at her. I had no idea she had been through so much. It didn't even show with her. She didn't tell this sob story to everyone for attention. She didn't tell anyone. She kept it inside all this time. She was the only one that knew. We were the only ones that knew. I had no idea how strong she was.

I reached my hand out to hers. Her eyes darted toward mine. She smiled and shook her head. "Don't feel bad for me now," she said jokingly.

I smiled and leaned closer. Her eyes got wider and I could see her hold her breath. I leaned even closer. She let out her breath and we were so close that it made me warm. I put my free hand on her neck and let my fingers rest behind her ear. I tilted my head to the left, having to go the furthest so she didn't have to. As I got right next to her lips, I paused. Her eyes were closing ad her lips parted a bit. I smiled.

I closed my eyes and leaned closer, closing the small gap between us. Her lips were soft and the way they moved against mine was like we were made for each other. It was like a wave, how it moves so smoothly across the sea, and it comes up to the sand. Not like a wave crashing onto the rocks. It wasn't quick or rough. It was gentle and slow. Her lips parted a bit more and my lower lip fit between hers.

Her hand rested on my chest and I could feel her fingers grab onto my shirt. All the time we kissed, our hands stayed locked together. I wasn't going to let her go anywhere. She was more than I had thought.

She pulled away with a smirk on her face. "Wait, why were you out there that night?"

I laughed at her. At a time like this, that's what she's thinking? "My friends had called me from a party and they needed a ride home. I had to work, that's why I wasn't there. They didn't care about my sleep though. They were some of my older friends. Dylan was with them too. I picked them up and when we were going home, we stopped at a gas station. Some of them went in, and when they got back they yelled at me to drive. They brought a gun in there with them. I had no idea." Her jaw dropped and her eyes got wide. "I drove away but the cops were already coming. We left my truck in the parking lot nearby and ran separate ways. I stayed with Dylan though. He was too drunk to be on his own. That's when we saw you in the alley."

She nodded. She leaned against my shoulder and watched the sun. It was just starting to come out from behind the clouds. The breeze made her shiver. I put my arm around her and shared my blanket with her so she had two. I smiled down at her. I knew I had made the right choice.

The song of the chapter is Invincible by Kelly Clarkson. I love this song so much. It really describes Colbie so well. The picture posted with this is the view from on top of the cliff.

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