Chapter 24: According To You

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Wanting the Bad Boy - Chapter 24: According To You

Colbie's POV

I sat on my bed in my room. I was looking down at my phone that was on m bed face up. Shealeigh's number was on the screen. Shealeigh was my best friend at my old school. I haven't talked to her since the night I was left at that club and in the alley. I didn't even tell her that I was moving. I didn't tell anyone. I had no friends anymore so I just left. It was like I never existed. I mean I only moved two towns over, but no one in my old town ever came over here. They never needed to. Everything they needed was in my old town. There were restaurants, movie theaters, and malls. Anything a teenager would want, you could find there.

The screen dimmed and I tapped it with my index finger so my phone wouldn't turn off. I took a deep breath, then pressed call. I was calling because I needed answers to my questions and she was one of the few people who I could get the answers from.

Shealeigh has a younger sister. She was in the same grade as the mysterious Jessica that I knew. They were friends when my mom was dating her dad. If they were still friends, Shealeigh would know. I was just hoping she would help me out. Knowing her, she'd feel hurt by me just leaving without any form of communication. She still had my number when I left, and she tried to reach me for the first week. Soon, the texts and calls were gone and she stopped trying.

I knew she would feel guilty about that night, so I was going to play the guilt card. I was not here to reconstruct our friendship. I was calling to help Alex and figure out who this girl was. I was positive it was her. I didn't tell Alex anymore though. He was so upset when I brought it up the first time. I figured I needed a bit more evidence before I tried to convince him. I didn't want him to get his hopes up and then come crashing down. I knew he wouldn't let that happen either.

The phone rang three times, then Shealeigh's girly voice sounded through the phone. Why was I ever friends with her in the first place? I groaned internally. "Colbie?" she said.

"Hey Shealeigh," I said trying to sound a bit enthusiastic about the phone call. I wanted to jump right to it, but I knew I'd never get answers that way. "I know we haven't talked in a while and I know I just left without saying anything. I'm sorry about that. That's not something a friend would do," I said trying to make her hear the sorrow in my voice.

"Well, then it fits your perfectly. We aren't friends," she spat at me. Ouch. I was not expecting that.

"Shealeigh," I started. "I'm sorry about what happened, but I left because you left me at that club. You left. You completely abandoned me out there."

She sighed on the other end. "Colbie, I do feel bad about that and you know that. I've told you." She paused. "I know you aren't here to be friends again. You've put us all in the past. Why are you here?"

She got me. I thought the sympathy would have kicked in a little stronger. I guess she has changed a lot. There's no point in faking now. "I was just wondering if you knew if your sister was friends with Jessica anymore."

"Why?" she asked. "Didn't her dad break up with your mom?"

"Actually, my mom broke up with him," I said. For some reason I was strangely offended by her statement. "When they broke up, my contact with Jessica just kind of ended and I wanted to find out if I could meet up with her again. I was just wondering if you guys knew where she was or her number or something."

Shealeigh sighed again. She was not trying to hide her irritation with this conversation. "Emily hasn't hung out with Jessica in months. She moved around the same time that you did. Two people in this household lost best friends in the same month," she said trying to cut me deep. Too bad I didn't care.

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