Prologue: Waiting For Superman

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Wanting the Bad Boy - Prologue: Waiting for Superman

Alex's POV

I ran down the street, beads of sweat dripping from my forehead and down the bridge of my nose. I felt the cool night air as it blew against my face. "Hey," one of my buddies screamed across the parking lot we were running through. I dodged the back of a car as they began to back up, not noticing anyone in the dark parking lot. I banged my fist against the top of their trunk and ran off. "Over here." My friend point to a small alley and I followed him, keeping close on his heels. The cops were close behind us. I couldn't get caught again.

As we got deeper and deeper down the alley the stench of garbage and smoke got thicker and thicker. The dumpsters on this abandoned side of town were overflowing out of the alleys and into the streets. There were wrappers and plastic bottles strewn along the edges of buildings. People had started to get so lazy that they left their garbage bags at the corner of the alley, not eve bothering to walk the extra two steps to the full dumpsters. The groups of druggies that we passed out were growing in numbers. They huddled around trash cans lit on fire to keep warm as they had been kicked out of their apartments for blowing their money on drugs and liquor. When you got to the outskirts of town, everything was bad.

The cops were yelling, but it was faint and sounded like it had come from far away. My friends had called me earlier, wanting a ride home from a party. I was supposed to be at the party, but I had to work the next morning. I made a good decision considering they were all drunk out of their minds when I got to the party to pick them up. Had I gone, it would have been a rough morning. Jail would also make the morning pretty hard. Another reason why I couldn't get caught.

The guys stumbled out to the car when I got there and I had to help each of them get in. I'm surprised they're able to run from the cops. On the way to bring them home we drove past a gas station with a discount on cigarettes. They insisted that I stop. They said it wouldn't be there in the morning and they all just happened to be running low. I pulled into one of the slanted parking spots and told them to hurry up. My friend Dylan stayed in the car with me while the other three guys ran inside. Next thing I knew they were running out of the store screaming, "Start the car," and, "drive!" I kept my head down and drove out.

That's how we ended up here. They had stolen the cigarettes and some cash too. One of them had a gun on him and little did I know when I picked them up, they didn't have any cash for cigarettes. I was just their get away driver. Boy, was I pissed at them.

I darted down the alley, passing Dylan, who looked like he was about to pass out. I grabbed his arm and pulled him along. His eyelids were flickering up and down quickly. He was at the party. He was only a few months younger than me, not like the older guys. He was innocent for the most part. He didn't smoke. He only drank, but when he did, he drank a lot. He liked to forget. He had a clean record but had been in a few risky situations before. I had to look out for him though. He was like my brother. He was all I had.

We ran and ran and ran, until we were both out of breath. We hadn't heard the cops in a while and we were too far into the city to know where we were. I bent over and rested my hands on my knees as my chest moved up and down, trying to pump air into my body.

Dylan's eyes were closed and he was swaying back and forth as if he were about to collapse onto the ground. I grabbed his arms and stood him up moving him towards the wall. I sat him down and he leaned his head against the wall. It was disgusting on the ground. You had no idea what had happened in this alley before. "How the hell did we get mixed up in this shit?" he asked.

I rubbed the back of my neck and shook my head. "I don't know." I looked around the alley for the rest of our friends. They were nowhere to be seen. We had probably lost them back by the rest of the druggies. They probably got distracted by some crack heads sharing a joint. I have no doubt that they joined in. I wasn't going to worry about them after what they got me into. I was supposed to be at home.

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