Chapter 17: Walk Away

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Wanting the Bad Boy - Chapter 17: Walk Away

Alex's POV

I got a call from Colbie early in the morning. It was Sunday and she wanted to hang out I guess. We hadn't seen each other in a few days. The last time we talked I told her everything. It was weird now. I was weird. I didn't know what to do. I had let her in completely. I was vulnerable. I mean she handled it right. She didn't pry. She didn't ask too many questions. She just let me do it. She did everything right.

But I was still unsure of what to do now. I had never done this before. I mean Candace was different. I was opening up to someone who I had known for a while but Colbie, I just met her. I was unsure of what was going to happen next.

I pulled into her driveway and knocked on the front door. She came running and swung it open. She had on a t shirt and athletic shorts. Her hair was in a bun on top of her head and she had on bright pink calf socks. She leaned on the door and smiled.

I laughed at her. "Hi," I said with a smile.

"Hi, come in," she said opening the door a little more. I walked in and took off my shoes. She closed the door behind me and went up the stairs with me following.

She sat on her bed and I sat next to her. She pointed towards the door and laughed. "My dad said we can be up here but we have to keep the door open."

I laughed nervously. I had never been around a girl who had to keep the door open when I was with her. It was weird.

I mean don't get me wrong. It was a bit reassuring. It showed that this wasn't just some meantime thing. It showed that she wasn't just here for pure "fun." That kind of scared me though.

"I asked you to come here because I wanted to talk to you," she said looking down at her hands in her lap.

"Talk about what?" I asked.

"Uh," she said shyly. "Are you hungry? I'm hungry."

I rolled my eyes. "Colbie, what's going on?" I asked. She didn't look at me. "Colbie, we are friends we can talk."

"Friends?" I heard her say quietly under her breath. "Uh anyway I was gonna ask about you. How are you doing?" She looked up at me with the saddest eyes I had ever seen.

I looked away and sighed. "Colbie, what are you talking about?" I was really hoping she wasn't talking about everything I told her.

"I just want to make sure you're okay and I want you to talk to me. If stuff bothers you I want to know and I want to help as best I can." I looked the other way and rubbed the back of my neck. This was making me mad. "Alex, I just want to help you. I want to help make things better for you."

"Colbie I'm not broken. I don't need to be saved. I don't need anything from you. I don't need you to check up on me. I don't need anyone." I stood up from the bed.

"Wait, Alex," she said and reached for my hand. When she touched my wrist, I immediately spun around and looked at her. The tingly feeling that she sent through my body scared me. She slowly let go when she saw my face. "I didn't mean that you needed help. I just want to be apart of your life and I want to do what I can to make you happy and make things better."

"I don't need your help." I walked through the door and down the stairs.

"Wait, where are you going?" She followed me down the stairs.

"I just," I looked around. Her dad was somewhere. "I just need to go. I need to be alone right now."

"Alex, don't walk away from me like this. I want to talk to you. I don't want someone who runs from me every time it gets hard. I know you told me that you would try to push me out, but I won't let you." I could hear in her voice and see in her eyes that this was more than me not wanting to talk about myself. She looked at me weird, like she was confused because I was confused. "Don't hide from me. I don't want a guy who will run and hide when I make him talk. Be here with me. Trust me. Open up to me. Talk to me. If you don't want me then just leave," she said straightly, looking directly into my eyes.

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