Chapter 15: All You Had To Do Was Stay

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Wanting the Bad Boy - Chapter 15: All You Had To Do Was Stay

Colbie's POV

I sat on the floor leaning my back against my bed. My earbuds were in and my music was blaring. I couldn't hear the world around me. I didn't want to. I had been at school and Alex totally ignored me when I sat down next to him in our trig class. And if that wasn't enough, when I tried to talk to him before lunch he told me to fuck off and walked in the other direction. I ate in the bathroom.

It hurt when he said that. I didn't know what I did wrong. I felt stupid for seeing the good side of him. He put on an exterior layer that he wanted people to try to tear apart. He played me. I tried to tear it apart. He made me think I could. Then he turned right around when I was vulnerable. He laid with me while I cried the other night. He made it better. Why was he able to make it better?

Taylor Swifts, All You Had To Do Was Stay blared into my head. It was ironic. He could have just talked to me. He could have stayed. But he told me to fuck off and walked away.

He's never talked to me like that before. What happened? Something must have happened at home or with someone else. Maybe Dylan would know. I thought about texting him but he was probably out with Casella. I saw them leave school together.

I slid to the side and laid down. I stared up at the white ceiling. I felt so stupid. I rested my hands on my forehead. I let him in. I told him everything. I started to trust him. And worst of all, I started to like him. I liked him. I still do like him. Even though he told me to leave him alone, it doesn't make me want to leave.

Why was he such a confusing person? I told him so much and he hasn't told me anything about his family or home or past. I understand that the past can be a difficult thing to talk about. I haven't told him everything. But that's not what I'm asking for. I just want something. Just a little bit of something to feel like its not completely one sided.

But I got rejection instead. 

I spent the rest of my afternoon in my room eating pretzels and watching Monsters Inc. and Tarzan on the Freeform Marathon. I wrapped myself in my pink and blue fuzzy blankets and hugged my stuffed dolphin. Around four o'clock, my dad came knocking on my door. He wanted to go out to dinner. I tried to say no, but that wasn't an option. I ended up getting dress and throwing my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head.

When we got back from dinner I was completely exhausted. I got changed into my pajamas and climbed back into bed. I slept all through the night, not being disturbed at all and woke up to my loud alarm blaring next to my ear.

I got dressed for school and made my way downstairs for someone to drive me. I grabbed an apple and yelled, "I'll be in the car." I was not in the mood for anything. I was tired, even though I practically got 12 hours of sleep.

My dad followed me to the car and drove me to school. He asked why I was in my room all night and if something was wrong. Yes something is wrong. The guy I like and opened up to totally turned me down and left me. "No, nothings wrong. Why? Does it seem like something's wrong?"

He shook his head and that was it. I hopped out of the car and thanked him as he kissed my forehead. My dad was there for me. I knew it. I just wanted to figure out why Alex was being such a jerk to me yesterday.

I walked through the school and to my locker to put my bag away. I saw Alex, Dylan and Casella standing on the other end of the hallway talking. Alex and I made eye contact, but he broke it. Casella looked over and waved to me. She motioned for me to join her. I just looked away and closed my locker.

Before I could even blink she was standing beside me. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing is wrong, why do people keep asking that?" I said a little too loudly. Dylan had been walking behind her and when he heard me he slowly turned around and walked in the other direction. People were staring at me now. From down the hall Alex was staring at me. He was what was wrong.

I slammed my locker shut and went down the hall to talk to him. He saw me coming and didn't look away this time. I was mad now.

I stopped in front of him and the other guys he was standing with turned away and left. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and looked up at him. It really wasn't helpful that he was a head taller than me. Although it was just another thing I adored about him. Shut up, what are you saying?

I took a deep inhale and let it out as I began. "What the hell, Alex?" was all I could think off. I had no idea where to start. He looked around as people's eyes were on us. Normally I would hide and slowly walk away with my head down, but I didn't care this time. I was so fed up with these games. It was my turn.

"Colbie, you're making a scene. Let's go somewhere else." He started to put his hands on my shoulders and tried to direct me to a more private area. I took his hands off of me and walked away with him following. I can walk on my own.

We went to a hallway that was empty, by the entrance to the library. He knew I would stay quiet here.

"What?" he asked.

"What?" I said mocking him. "What?" It was disbelief now. "You told me to fuck off yesterday. You saw me in the hall and acted like you didn't know me. So why do you get to ask what? I should be asking what." He didn't say anything. "Alex, what did I do?"

"Nothing," he said quickly.

"Nothing?" He nodded. "Alex, I told you a lot the other day. I told you a lot about me. I let you in and opened myself up to you. And you just left in the rudest way possible, I might add. You locked me out when I let you in. So what is going on?"

"Nothing is going on. Maybe I just really don't want to talk to you." His words hurt. They cut deep. "Just because you opened up to me doesn't mean I'll do the same. I'm not like you, Colbie. I don't trust anyone."

"You seem to trust Dylan and Casella," I said back. "Why not me?"

He looked around and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "Colbie, you aren't going to win this? If you keep asking questions, you'll get hurt. Leave me alone," he said.

"Did I do something that made you feel like I wasn't trust worthy?" I asked. I was really starting to feel the pain of his words.

"Colbie, leave. I don't want to talk to you ever again," he said.

I felt even stupider now. My eyes were getting watery, but I wouldn't let the tears drop. I was not going to cry in front of him again. Especially not after what he's done to me. "Alex, I opened up to you. I told you so much about me and you turned and left me. You turned around and acted like you didn't know me. I told you everything and you've told me absolutely nothing. I understand that, but you being so cold really hurt me. I opened up to you and trusted you that day you came over. Maybe you need a little time. I'll fuck off and leave you alone." He couldn't even look at me. "This is what you wanted, but you were all I wanted," I said. He looked up at the last part. He was surprised. It was too late for surprises. People like me are gone forever when you say goodbye. 

I held my bag on my shoulder and walked away. He wants me to leave him alone. That's what he'll get. I wanted him to yell at me. I wanted him to yell to me. To tell me to come back. To tell me he's sorry and ask for forgiveness, but he didn't. There was nothing but the sound of my converse hitting the tiled floor.

I walked back down the hallway where my locker was. I passed Casella and Dylan talking. About me probably. She looked up at me as I passed her. She saw that I was on the verge of tears. She reached out and grabbed my arm. "Colbie, what happened?"

I shook her arm away and kept going. Maybe I just really don't want to talk to you, he said. I never want to talk to you again. I probably scared him off with all the things that are wrong with me. He doesn't want or need that in his life. I admire his courage and strength in knowing what and who he wants in his life. Even after he said things like that to me, I can still see the good in him.

The song for this chapter is All You Had To Do Was Stay by Taylor Swift. It's posted above. The photo is a cover made by Please let me know what you thought about this chapter. I love hearing from you.

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