Chapter 34: Perfect

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Wanting the Bad Boy - Chapter 34: Perfect

Alex's POV

It was two in the morning and I was making calls to friends. I was pacing in my bedroom with the phone pressed to my ear. The monotone ringing sound as starting to annoy me after the fourth ring, but luckily it was ended when Dylan's voice came through the line.

"Alex, what the hell?" he said in a low scraggly voice. "It's two in the morning. What do you want?"

I sighed. "I know now probably isn't an ideal time, but I really need your help." He didn't say anything. "It's Colbie's birthday today and I need you to help me. I just got this incredible idea, but it's going to take a lot of people."

"Yeah? What do you need?" he asked not even trying to hide his irritation.

"I need you to call Casella and ask if she can get some of her friends, who know Colbie, to meet me at the school at 2. Can you do that?" I asked. "Please? I really want this birthday to be special."

He sighed. I could practically see the eye roll. "Yeah, I'll give her a call. Anything else?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah, you have to be there too," I squeezed in.

"Dude, I have a hang over," he pleaded, trying to find some sympathy from me.

"Thanks dude, I owe you," I said quickly and hung up before he could get out of it.

Just as I hung up there was a loud bang on the wall by my bed. On the other side of that wall was my parents room. I rolled my eyes. This is what my dad did when I was being too loud. He decided that I would be quiet if he made a bunch of noise from the other room, waking my mother up as well. I didn't care if I was being too loud for him to sleep. It's all he did during the day anyway.

I made a few more calls around ten o'clock. I called a bunch of the guys from the football team. Luckily eleven of them were free. It was just the right number.

Before going to the school I stopped at the store a got a bouquet of twelve roses.

At twelve o'clock, I pulled into the parking lot and everyone was already there. Most of the guys looked angry. Most of the girls looked happy to help. Dylan looked the worst by far. He had on sunglasses and his hood covering most of his face.

I walked up to all of them with a smile. "It's nice to see you all here. Thanks for coming," I said the last part sincerely. "It means a lot. I want this birthday to be Colbie's best ever. It needs to be perfect." I looked to the guys. "I have roses for you guys."

"Awe, Alex, you shouldn't have," Dylan joked. The football guys laughed with him while I stood there stupidly. I guess I deserved that one.

"Ha ha, very funny," I said. "I want you guys to meet at Gabe's Cliff at 2:20. Colbie gets out of work at 12:30, but she'll be there around 2:30. When she gets there I want you to give her those." I'll be there at the end of the line with my present that I ordered three weeks ago. "After that you guys are done so you can stay or leave, whatever works for you."

I walked over to Casella and the girls. "I need you all to pick her up from work in half an hour." Casella nodded. "I want you guys to play this CD in the car," I said handing her the Disney CD I made. "Don't tell her I made it. I don't want her to know this is all happening. She can't know I'm a part of this."

Casella raised her hand and looked at me with wide eyes. I nodded toward her telling her to talk. "Sir, are we allowed to sing these songs?"

I laughed. "Yes, you must. And very loudly." Casella nodded with a smile. "You guys can do whatever you want to do with her to celebrate. I don't want to hog her all day, but just be at Gabe's Cliff at 2:30." I turned to everyone and said "Don't be late to your place." This all had to go perfectly.

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