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-Charlie's POV-
I sat on the edge of my new bed, in my new bedroom unfolding my clothes and hanging them up in my closet. I grabbed all of my makeup and put it into the drawers neatly along with my Shampoo, body wash, and conditioner in the shower.

I grab all of my converse and vans and put them on the shoe rack in the closet along with all of my chokers and bracelets on the jewelry table in the center of the room.

I grab the posters out of my back and begin taping them up onto the black painted walls around the room. Most of them were Black Veil Brides posters but a lot of them were other bands too like Of Mice and Men, Bring me the horizon, Paramore, Fallout Boy, SwS, PTV, Motionless in white, new years day and many more.

"Chareolette, are you alomst done up there!?" Juliet called from downstairs. I stood back and admired my new room for a couple of seconds before turning around and walking out shutting the door behind me. I walked down the lengthy hallway and down the stairs.

Juliet smiled at me and waited until I reached the bottum of the breezeway.

"Come on kiddo, we got some talking to do." She out her arm around my shoulder and smiled down at me moving my hair from my eyes. I smiled back as we walked to the living room where Andy was sitting on the cluch with his feet up on the coffee table.

Juliet swatted them down and sat next to him and I sat across. I played with the end of my long sleeve shirt, pulling on them with my thumb and index finger, and chewing on it softly.

"So, Andy and I wanted tk set some ground rules. But we wanted to get to know you before we did that. So tell us about yourself darling." Juliet said, looking at me with full attention. I shrugged my shoulders and blushed.

"There's not much to tell."I whispered and looked down into my lap.

"Hey, you don't have to be shy Chareolette, we want to be here for you, we want you to be able to talk to us about anything. Okay?" Andy said in a gentle, soothing voice.

"I don't like to be called Chareolette, I like Charlie better." I said in one breath, quickly and quietly.

"Okay! See we are getting somewhere!" Juliet smiled, and I giggled a little.

"Okay so Charlie, what do you like to do for fun?" She asked.

"I like to draw! And listen to music! I also like reading and writing!" I said excitedly, and Andy and Juliet both smiled wider.

I blushed and got embarrassed at my sudden outburst of excitement.
"Sorry... I.." I began to say but Andy cut me off with a wave of his hand.

"Don't apologize, I love seeing you smile, you have a beautiful one. Lets keep that smile on your face, hmm?" He asks wrapping his arm around Juliet. I nodded my head with a giggle and continued to tell Andy and Juliet everything there was that they needed to know about me.

I kept out the depression and the selfharm part because I knew that would be a deal breaker. It always is.

"Okay, so here are the ground rules. School is a must, we will get you enrolled into highschool as soon as possible, possibly next week." Juliet said with a stern look. I groaned and Andy laughed, so did Juliet.

"Sorry, sweetie. Second rule, if you ever go out with people on a school night, curfew is 10, on the weekends it's 12, okay?" Juliet said. I nodded in understanding.

"Third, no secrets, and no lying. Always be truthful and always be open. Fourth, boyfriends. I don't know if you have one right now but, if you do, or if you get one, your door must stay open while he is here." Andy said more stern than Juliet.

"I'm bi." I blurted out before I could stop myself.

"Then if you have a girlfriend or boyfriend over door stays open, got it missy?" Juliet said with a wide smile.

"So you don't mind that I'm... gay?" I asked them. They both shook their heads no and laughed.

"Not at all. You love who you want to love. Fourth rule. No drugs, no alcohol. That is my biggest rule that I will not tolerate, okay?" Andy said. I nodded in agreement with their rules and we sat in silence for a bit until I thought of something to ask.

"What do I call you? Andy and Juliet, or Mom and Dad?"

Juliet looks shocked but happy at my question, as does Andy.

"Call us what makes you most comfortable." They both said at the same time. I nodded and looked at the ground.

"It's pretty late, can I go up to bed?" I asked them.

"Of course you can sweetie, goodnight. If you need either of us our room is right down that hallway." Andy said pointing down the hallway, past the kitchen. I smiled and nodded, and waved them goodnight.

I walked up the stairs and into my bedroom. I took off my clothes and put them in the hamper. I walked into my walkin closest with only my bra and thong on and pulled a Pierce the Veil shirt on, that was 2 sizes too big. I climbed into the comfortable bed pulling the covers over me and fall asleep watching a rerun of the Harry Potter movies on tv.

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