Spilled secrets

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-Charlie's POV-
I stood out front waiting to spot Ronnie's car. When I saw it pull into the parking space across the lot I smiled and pushed the glass doors open and walked towards him.

He got out of the car, and smiled when he saw me.

"Hey princess!" Ronnie shouted and I rolled my eyes and giggled.

"Hi Ronnie." I said and leaned against his car door. He looked so attractive. His hair was teased and his bangs fell just across his left eye. I smiled and tilted my head to the side.

"Ready to see your surprise?" I asked mishcheviously wiggling my eyebrows and giggling.

"As ready as I'll ever be! Ladies first." He winked and shut his car door and locking it. I lead the way, linking my arm in his as I walked us through the glass doors.

I looked up at him and he looked down at me with a grin as I walked down the hallway to the studio.

"You, wait here." I said unlinking my arm with his quickly walking into the studio and shutting the door behind me.

"Okay okay, everyone shut up. He's here. Dad do NOT embarass me, please." I begged. My eye caught sight of a figure in the corner and I looked up to see Ashley. When did he come back. He smirked and waved a sarcastic wave and sat down next to Andy.

"I'll try not to." Andy groaned and Juliet slapped his arm.

"Ow! Okay okay, I won't." Andy said in pain rubbing his arm.

"You too Cc, Jake, Jinxx, and Ashley." I said his name with a sinister tone and he just chuckled. I left the room and walked back out, linking my arm with his again and walkin into the room.

"Guys.. This is Ronnie. Ronnie, this is my family." I said looking up at Ronnie. He stared at everyone as the room went silent.

He leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"You didn't mention you're the daughter of a rockstar." He said with worry on his face.

"It's okay, just be yourself, they'll love you." I smiled and kissed his cheek, making eye contact with Ashley as I did so. He sat forward crossing his arms over his chest staring at Ronnie with pure anger.

"Hi, I'm Ronnie." He said with that charming smile of his and waved.

"Yeah. We know, Charlie just said that." Ashley said coldly. Juliet leaned over and slapped Ashley and everyone except for him burst into laughter.

"Out! If you're going to be an asshole. Out!" Juliet yelled at him, and kicked his foot.

"Yeah, play nice Ashley." Andy said in his deep voice. If he had to play nice, so did Ash. Andy stood up and shook Ronnie's hand.

"I'm Charlie's Dad. Nice to meet you." Andy smiled fakely. Juliet stood up and pulled Ronnie into a hug and he chuckled.

"And you must be Charlie's mom, Hi." Ronnie smiled, hugging her back. She let go of him and I sat down on the couch and he sat next to me, putting his arm around me and I cuddled into him. He was so warm and he smelt like vanilla and cigarettes.

"Dad, Ronnie's a big fan of BVB. He knows all of your songs." I smiled and Andy raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, cool! So whats your plans for the future? What grade are you in? How old are you? Do you plan on using my daughter, cause if so, there's the door." Andy fired question after question at him. Ronnie chuckled awkwardly and shifted uncomfortably on the couch.

"Andrew Dennis Biersack!" Juliet yelled sternly, standing up so she was much taller than him.

"You." She pointed to Ashley. "Out!"

"And You." She pointed to Andy. "Out! Now!" She yelled. Cc, Jinxx, and Jake giggled like school girls in the corner.

"You're gonna get it." Cc giggled and both Andy and Ashley kicked him as they walked out of the room. They are so immature.

Once Ashley, Andy and Juliet left I turned to Ronnie and shook my head.

"I'm so sorry about that. They are just.. over protective." I said with a frown.

"Hey, it's okay, I get it. You're Andy's daughter, he wants the best for you. I mean look at me, if I was him I'd be sceptical too. Don't stress." He whispered into me ear. I looked at him as he rested his hand on my cheek, rubbing his thumb in circles. I nudged my head into his comfort and smiled and blushed. Maybe Ronnie was the one for me. Maybe Ashley is just a silly crush that will go away. I hope.

Juliet opened the door and stuck her head in.

"Ready to go!? Charlie dad and I talked, you and Ronnie can go in A car with Cc and Ashley, Jinxx and Jake will go together and your father and I will go in the jeep." She said as everyone stood up and walked out of the studio.

As everyone walked down the hallway Ronnie grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. I giggled and blushed as Andy turned around and rolled his eyes.

"Keep it PG back there." He grunted, earning another slap from Juliet.

"Let them be kids Andrew. Leave them be." She hissed at him and then whispered in his ear making him smile and she kissed his cheek. My parents where quite literally relationship goals.

"I don't think your dad likes me very much." Ronnie whispered.

"You just have to find common interests, trust me once he gets to know you, he'll love you." I smiled, and rubbed my thumb along his knuckles.

We walked out of the building and followed Cc to his car and we got into the backseat. Cc climbed into the drivers seat and we were the first car out of the parking lot.

"Uh, Cc do you know where we are going?" I asked as he turned on the radio to the rock station.

"Yes of course I do. Ronnie don't let Ashley get to you, he's just butthurt because he's had a crush on Charlie since the first day he met her. Don't let Andy get to you either, he's always grumpy." Cc began to say.

"They don't intimidate me, they just need to get to know me. That's all." Ronnie said winking at me. I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder.

"That's good because they scare me and I've been friends with them for a couple of years." Cc chuckled looking back at us in the rear view mirror.

"You guys are cute together, better than Ashley and Charlie." Cc blurted out. I looked up with a red face.

"Cc." I hissed at him and kicked the back of his seat.

"What? You thought that was a secret? You're funny. Ashley can't keep anything a secret." He laughed.

"And neither can you apperantly." I argued.

"It's okay princess." Ronnie whispered in my ear. My body relaxed and I shook my head slowly before kissing his cheek.

"Sorry Charlie, I didn't know Ronnie wasn't aware." Cc said apologetically.

"It's okay Cc." I smiled as we pulled into my favorite chinese restraunt.

"Yas! Chinese!" I yelled as Cc killed the engine. The other cars pulled up next to us and everyone filed out and waited for Andy and Juliet to give us directions.

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