End of the world

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-Ashley's POV-
I sat at the bar with my head hanging low as I lifted my arm to get the attention of the bartender.

"Another one Mr.Purdy?" He asked and I groggily nodded my head. It was 3 a.m and I had been here since just past 12. I needed to clear my mind, and this was the only place I could think of to do that.

The bartender slid down another shot in my direction and I grabbed it, lifted it to my lips and tipped my head back, allowing the liquid to burn my throat as it went down. I slammed the shot glass down and looked around the room. Seeing nobody but myself I grabbed my  leather jacket and grabbed my wallet.

I slapped a 50 on the bartable and slid my jacket over my shoulders and my arms into the sleeves. I zipped it up and slid my hands into my pockets.

"Have a good night Ashley." The bartender shouted after me and i waved him off as I stumbled out of the club. I walked drunkenly down the sidewalks of L.A trying to find my way to the hospital.

It took me almost over an hour to find it, but when I got there I walked through the doors, tripping over my own feet. I held onto the walls as I made my way through the hallways until I reached Charlies room. When I reached the room, I peered inside the window to see her sitting up in the bed, watching t.v. What was she doing up this late?

I pushed down on the door handle and stumbled into the room, she looked up at me with a smile.

"Ash!" She exclaimed and I smiled as wide as I could with being this drunk and tried to compose myself. Andy stirred in his chair and opened his eyes. He looked at me, and knew immidiately.

"Hi baby." I slurred as I pulled Charlie into my arms and pressed my lips to hers. She pulled away almost instantly.

"Ash.. you reek of alcohol." She said with a little bit of hurt in her voice.

"Ashley, out." Andy said sternly and stood up pointing to the door.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" I asked Charlie, looking into her eyes. They were unreadable with all of the emotions sliding in and out of them.

"Of course I am, but not in this condition. Ash you were almost sober for a year, what's gotten into you?!" She asked, tears filling her eyes.

"ASHLEY. Out!" Andy said louder and more stern. I pulled away nodding my head at Charlie and stumbled out of the room. Andy slammed the door shut and I slid down against it with my head in my hands, tears rolling down my cheeks.

I stayed like this until I passed out. My eyes begin to close slowly, and the world went dark around me. I could no longer hear the shuffling of nurses, as everything went black.

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