Party Animals

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-Charlie's POV-
"Charlie! Ashley! Let's go, food!" We heard Jinxx yell from the fromt of the bus, and I quickly through on my shirt and shorts. Ashley pulled his shirt over his head and pecked my lips before crawling out of my bunk and walking to the front of the bus.

"What took you so long? You only had to wake her up." Andy growled and I slide out of my bunk following behind Ashley as we made it into the kitchen.

"She wouldn't wake up, she was out cold." Ashley lied and I kept my head down avoiding eye contact with my father. I felt his cold stare go right through me, and I knew he knew.

"Or maybe you just forgot the rules so soon." Andy said angrily, not bying Ashley's lie. My face grew red as I grabbed a slice of pizza and sat on the couch. Ashley shrugged his shoulders as Juliet tried to cover up her smirk.

"No. Maybe I was just trying to wake her up? Like I just explained." Ashley said calmly, grabbing pizza and shoving it into his mouth.

"Mhm. You better watch is Ashley, you're pushing my buttons. You too young lady." Andy sneered and sat down next to Juliet. Jinxx, Jake and Cc awkwardly chuckled in the corner of the booth.

"Andy. You're being radiculous. If you think you're going to with hold them from having sex while they are in a relationship, you're crazy." Juliet said, coming to Ashley and I's defense.

"So you're telling me that you're okay with Ashley, a 21 year old male, sleeping with our daughter, a 17 year old female?" Andy yelled angrily. Juliet shrugged her shoulders and nodded her head.

"Yes actually, I am Andy. I'm not going to be a hypocrite, and neither should you." Juliet yelled back. Oh boy, another fight.

"You're unbelievable. Whatever, I'm getting ready for the show, everyone else should too." Andy mumbled uneasily as he slammed his plate down on the table and stomped his way to the bathroom to get changed.

"Wow.. talk about awkward.." Cc said and everyone laughed.

"Thanks mom." I said, and Juliet gave me the hairy eyeball.

"Just because I defended you, does not give you the pass to go and do it whenever you want." Juliet said sternly. I raised my hands in the air in defeat and smiled.

"Andy's right though, we really should start getting ready for the show." Jinxx said and the guys mumbles to themselves and went off to get ready.

*time skip to after the show*

"That was amazing!" I yelled as the guys made their way to side stage. The crowd still cheered for them as the lights turned on in the venue, and the place began to clear out.

Andy was still angry with Juels and I so he nodded his head and tried his best to ignore us. Ashley gave me a kiss and pulled me into his sweaty body as he hugged me tight.

"Ew Ash, shower first please!" I squeeled trying to pull away but he continued to get his sweat all over me as everyone but Andy laughed. Juliet tried to kiss Andy's cheek but he turned away, and Juliet rolle her eyes.

"You're so childish sometimes Andrew." She scowled and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Whatever." Andy scoffed and leaned back against the brick wall of the venue, lighting a cigarette between his lips.

"So, lets say we kick off this tour with a little partying tonight!? Who wants to ht the clubs. Everyone raised their hands. Including myself.

"You're funny missy, you are heading straight back to the tour bus with your body gaurd." Juliet smirked. Andy huffed sarcastically.

"Oh so you're totally okay with her having sex but, drinking is crossing the line? Logic." Andy chuckled and stomped out his cigarette.

"I'm sick of your attitude. We're supposed to be a team, and have eachothers backs." Juliet said turning to Andy angrily.

"Exactly." Andy said rudely pushing past her. "Lets go hit the clubs. Charlie, Josh will take you back to the bus. Stay there." Andy said. I rolled my eyes and pouted. I really wanted to go out with them. Ashley kissed my nose and I smiled sweetly as they all left the venue.

I followed Josh back to the tour bus and I opened the door and climbed the steps. Josh sat on the couch and I went back to the bunk to read.

It read for hours until I heard loud yelling and obnoxious laughter fill the entire bus. I heard Juliets drunken giggle along with Andy and Jinxx's laughter. Cc, Ashley and Jake must've still been out. I decided it was too late to wait up for Ash so I put my book down and closed my eyes, ignoring the laughter and loud talking in the front of the bus.

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