Broken Hearts.

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-Charlie's POV-
I pushed the front door to the house open and walked in side dropping my bag next to the shoe rack and kicking off my converse. It was not 8 o'clock and it was completely dark outside.

It had taken me an hour to walk home and I was exhausted. I walked into the kitchen and turned on the light and grabbed leftover chinese food from the fridge. I heated it up and grabbed a monster and went upstairs to my room, slamming my door in anger. How could they just forget me like that? Especially Andy.

I turned on my tv and put it on American Horror Story, and ate dinner. After eating and drinking my monster I took off my clothes and put them in the hamper. I grabbed a t-shirt and threw it on not bothering to wear pants.

I climbed into bed and rested my head on the pillow as I scrolled through facebook and fell asleep.

*Time skip to 1 a.m*

I woke up to the front door opening and closing and shouting between Andy and Juliet. I rubbed my eyes and sat up a little bit, confused. I check the time on my phone and it read 1 a.m.

I heard loud footsteps running up the stairs and then my door was pushed open revealing Andy.

"Oh thank god you're okay! I'm so sorry baby I got caught up in work, I didn't mean to leave you there." Andy said running over to the side of my bed trying to hug me. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away.

"Don't touch me." I said angrily. Andy looked down at me wkth hurt.

"Sweetie. Come on. I didn't mean to." Andy said with a shaky voice. Juliet walked into the room and when she saw me she frowned.

"I'm so sorry darling, my phone died in the early afternoon, and Andy lost track of time. Im so so sorry." She said walking over towards Andy.

"How does someone lose track for nearly 10 hours Mom!? Don't defend him! He didn't lose track, he forgot. How do you forget your own daughter for 10 fucking hours!? I had to walk home on the highway!" I yelled and turned to look at both of them. I looked up at Andy with disgust and he looked so upset and hurt, like i'd just shattered his heart. Well good. He shattered mine.

"I know I'm not the most perfect fucking daughter but Jesus christ, try and act like it for my fucking sake." I yelled before either of them could reply again. Andy had tears streaming down his face but I ignored it. He nodded and turned and walked out my room.

"Charleolette Jen Biersack! You watch that mouth of yours! I get your angry but your father is trying! Don't you dare speak to him like that!" Juliet yelled louder at me.

"Are you seriously defending him right now after what just happened!? Mom he forgot me!! If I meant anything to him like I do to you that wouldn't have happened! He's nothing like you, and he never will be! He's a selfish prick. All he thinks about is his self." I argued back.

"I am not going to tolerate you talking about my husband that way! Sometimes I wish I never adopted you Chareolette." As soon as the words left her lips it was like knives to my heart.

I literally felt my chest ache and my entire heart shatter inside my chest. Juliet covered her mouth with her hands and tears immediatley started falling from her eyes.

"Baby.. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that.." Juliet whispered through tears. I felt my eyes begin to water and soon I didn't hold back. I immediatley began to sob. My entire body shaking. Juliet stood beside my bed in shock and terror at what she has just said to me.

"GET OUT! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" I screamed at her through sobs. Tears streamed down her face faster and harder and she nodded and turned aroud and shut my door behind her as she walked out.

As soon as she left I screamed into my pillow as I broke down. My sntire body shook hard as I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. I've never been so hurt in my entire life. No one has ever told me I was a mistake, not even my worst enemy.

-Andy's POV-
I stood outside of Charlies room listening to Juliet and her talk. I knew I had hurt Charlie bad, and it broke my heart. But what was about to happen, would break my heart even more. I cried quietly to myself as Charlie spoke.

"Are you seriously defending him right now after what just happened!? Mom he forgot me!! If I meant anything to him like I do to you that wouldn't have happened! He's nothing like you, and he never will be! He's a selfish prick. All he thinks about is his self." She argued back to Juliet.

"I am not going to tolerate you talking about my husband that way. Sometimes I wish I never adopted you Chareolette." I hear Juliet say. My mouth dropped and I felt my heart break even more than what it was. No Juels... you didn't.

I put my head in my hands and let the tears in my eyes fall. I was hurting for Charlie. I heard whispering and then I heard Charlie screamed through sobs at Juliet.

"GET OUT! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" Charlie screamed as loud as she could. I heard footsteps and as soon as I saw Juliet she shut Charlies door and looked down at me with a blank expression, as tears rolled down her cheeks.

I could see the hurt in her eyes, and the regret she held for saying that. She looked away, and as soon as she looked away she ran past me and down the stairs. I heard our bedroom door open and close.

I let out a heavy sigh and held my ead in my hands and listened to Charlies heartbreaking sobs thru her door. With each cry my heart broke into smaller and smaller pieces.

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