Mom? Andy?

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*One week later*
-Charlie's POV-
"Charlie! Let's go you're gonna be late for school!" Juliet yelled up the stairs. I quickly took one last look at myself in the mirror before grabbing my  black Vans back pack with band pins covering it. I grabbed the phone Andy and Juels had baught me last week and shoced it into my pocket.

"Charlie!" Juliet yelled up the stairs again.

"Coming!" I yelled back and shut my door and ran down the stairs into the kitchen.

"You ready for your first day of school kiddo?" Andy asked as he sat at the counter and ate a piece of toast.

"No." I groaned and poured myself a cup of coffee.

"Hey hey hey hey! Where's our girl!?" A bunch of voices filled the house and I rolled my eyes and sat the counter next to Andy.

"Really!? You called the guys!?" I groaned and Andy and Juliet just smiled and laughed.

"In here!" Andy yelled and they all walked into the kitchen with smiles plastered onto their face.

"There she is! You look so grown up with your back pack!" Cc said with tears in his eyes. I burst out laughing at him as he pulled me into a hug.

"She's growing up so fast. The last time i saw you you were only this big!" Cc said hovering his hand a centimeter shorter than my actual height.

"You're such a fag." I said and playfully pushed him off of me. Andy looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Language." Andy said sternly.

"Sorry, it slipped." I giggled and so did Juliet. Andy gave Juliet and I both stern looks and we both laughed.

"Alright come on Charlie or we'll be late." Andy said grabbing his black leather jacket and throwing it on, and grabbed the car keys.

"Bye darling, text me if you need me, I'll be there to pick you up at 2." Juliet said kissing my forehead and hugging me.

"Bye Mom." I said for the first time since I've been here. Juliet smiled the biggest smile I had seen her smile since I've got here and got tears in her eyes at my words.

"Bye Charlie." She said hugging me one last time. When she let go I waved to her as I walked away and she waved back.

"Ready to go Andy?" I asked as I walked by him and the guys. He looked down at his feet and frowned and then looked up and nodded his head.

"Yeah, lets go kiddo." He said with a smile. They guys followed us out to the driveway and piled into Andy's car. I got shotgun and Andy got into the drivers side.

"I'm kind of scared Andy." I said looking over at him my hands shaking nervously.

"Don't be scared kiddo you'll be alright. Its gonna be okay, okay?" He smiled at me and ruffled my hair. I giggled and listened to the guys share small talk until we pulled up infront of the school in the drop off parking lot.

-Andy's POV-
"Bye Mom." Charlie said to Juliet and i watched as she got teary eyed and pulled Charlie into a hug and kissed her forehead.

"Bye Charlie." She said hugging her one last time and waving her goodbye as she walked by me.

"Ready to go Andy?" Charlie said and I felt a little pain in my chest at her words. Why isnt she calling me Dad yet? Am i doing something wrong? I looked down at my feet and froned and looked back up at my daughter.

"Yeah, lets go kiddo." I whispered and follwed her and the guys out to the car. I got into the drivers side and Charlie got into the passengers side. Halfway to the school Charlie looked over at me with worry in her eyes.

"I'm kind of scared Andy." She whispered and looked down into her lap.

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