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-Charlie's POV-
"Wake up!"  a deep voice yelled next to my ear and my eyes snapped open. I looked around to see myself in a the same concrete room. The basket was still in the corner, everything was still where I'd left it, including the phone. Except for me. I was in a diferrent spot.

I turned my head to see Ronnie with a smirk on his face. I was weak and could barley keep my eyes open. My body felt heavy and sore. I was in excruiating pain and I was starving.

"Good morning princess!" He said with a smile and lifted my weak head with his firm finger. He looked me in the eyes and then looked down at my lips. I moved my head painfully to the side and Ronnie grunted.

Dried blood was still caked all over my body. My hair was greasy and dirty, sticking up in all directions. My body was covered in dirt and grime and my breath tasted nasty. My makeup was surely washed away by my tears.

"It's not like want you anyways, you're  whore." Ronnie said as he shut off the lights again and exited the room, leaving the phone and the food. I let my eyes adjust to the darkness before crawling over to the phone. I cried from the pain, and didn't bother sitting up. I stayed laying on the floor. I dialed Andy's number and he picked up.

"Andy?" I said in a rhaspy and shakey voice. Barley even audible. I was parched, and I had drank all of my water.

"CHARLIE!? Oh thank god!" He yelled into the phone, and I started crying again at the sound of his voice. I heard him clear his throat.

"Andy.. I need you to listen to me okay?" I whispered, my heart breaking inside my chest as his breathing got heavy. I heard movement and then he sighed.

"Andy is everyone with you?"

"Everyone's here baby." He said in a chocked up voice.

"Jinxx? I'm sorry we never got the chance to be close, but you were like a second mother to me, and I love you." I said in a weak whisper. Tears stung my eyes, but I held them in.

"Charlie what are you doing?" Andy asked suspiciously, but I ignored him and continued.

"Jake? I'm glad you and I got close, you always knew how to joke around and make fun of me in the ways to make me laugh. I love you." I continued.

"I love you Charlie." He said with a sad tone.

"Cc? Oh Cc where do I begin? You're my pizza lover. You and I are best buds and I'll always be thankful for our friendship. I hope you find a girl who loves pizza just as much as you. I love you." I continued. Getting closer and closer to my parents and Ashley made it incredibly hard to hold back the tears I'd been fighting.

"Daddy.. I'll always be your little princess, no matter what. Even if I'm not here anymore. You're an amazing father and you did everything you possibly could to save me. I'm sorry about all of our petty fights, thank you for never giving up on me. Mommy, thank you for being the first woman in my life to show me what its like to be loved. You are an amazing mother, and I love you both. Always." I said through a heart breaking sob.

"Ashley?" I broke down when I said his name, barley able to breathe.

"Yes? Yes baby I'm here." He said through a sob.

"Thank you for showing me how to love, and how love myself. You helped me fing myself and who I am as a person and you gave me a great last year of my life. You are my one true love, and I'll always be in your heart. I love you." I whispered and continued to cry harder than I ever had before.

"Charlie stop.. stop saying goodbye! You're not going anywhere!!! Do you hear me!?" Cc yelled and I sobbed so hard it was gut wrentching.

"I-i'm sor-rry I can't fight anymore. I'm so t-t-tired and in so much pain. I l-love you all. Please d-don't be sad when I'm gone. Ash.. promise me you'll m-move on?" I begged through my tears as I gritted my teeth.

"No! No I won't we are going to find you Charlie don't youndare give up!! PROMISE ME CHARLIE! PROMISE ME YOU WON'T GIVE UP!! NOT NOW, PLEASE I LOVE YOU!!" He sobbed, and then everyone started crying. I didn't respond, all I did was cry.

"I'm so s-s-sorry. Goodbye." I sobbed through the phone and ended the call. I closed it shut and squeezed it in my hand and screamed at the top of my lungs, letting out louder sobs than I'd ever hear in my life.

"FUCK YOU RONNIE!! FUCK YOU!!!" I screamed and threw the phone across the room, watching it smash against the wall. Sat in the middle of the room where I woke up sat a pistol. I crawled over to the pistol, and sat up on my knees. I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked down at the gun.

I picked up the metal weapon, wrapping my hand around the handle. I flicked the safety switch off. I put my finger on the trigger and slowly looked up to the camera in the corner of the room. I lifted the gun to my temple, and pulled the trigger.

BANG! Nothing but blackness everywhere.

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