Checking in

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-Juliet's POV-
"Do you think she's okay?" I asked Andy as we layed on the couch together watching Batman.

"I think she's just fine. Stop worrying, she needs her space and time to settle in." Andy whispered into my ear and kissed my cheek. I smiled and looked up at him.

"I'm gonna go check on her, you know.. Just in case." I say pushing up from the couch. Andy sighs in defeat and I giggle as I walk past him and towards the stairs. As I reach the staircase I walk quietly, just in case Charlie is asleep.

I climb the staircase and walk down the lengthy hallway to her room. The door is cracked open so I push it open a little bit more to check on her. The room is dark but the light from the hallway allows me to see her face. Her eyes were closed.

I smiled at the peaceful look she had and went to turn around and go back downstairs, but a soft raspy voice stopped me.

"Juliet?" Charlie called out to me. I turned back around and opened the door back up.

"Yes?" I ask gently and walked into her room a little bit.

"Thank you." She whispered, as tears started to drop from her eyes onto her pillow. And soon she was crying so hard her body was shaking and there was no sound. I ran over to her side and wrapped her tiny body in my arms and held her.

Her head burryed itself into my lap and I rocked hs back and forth until she finally calmed down. She lifted her head and looked up at me with sad eyes, makeup running down her face.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her. She nodded her head yes and she sat up, leaning her body against the pillows. She lifted the covers and scooted over, patting the bed next to her. I smiled and climbed under the covers with her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

She rested her head on my chest and started to cry again. Her body shook softly as she clutched onto the side of my shirt with her fingers, holding me tightly.

"I'm afraid Juliet." She whispered through small sobs.

"Of what honey, what are you afraid of?" I asked her running my fingers through her long black hair.

"Of being alone. I don't want to go back there. I'm scared that I'm never going to know the feeling of being loved." She whispered.

I held her tighter than she was holding me. My heart broke for this poor girl. I kissed the top of her head.

"You won't ever go back to that awful place, I promise you. You will feel loved, you're never going to be alone. Not as long as Andy and I are here. And we are ALWAYS going to be here. I promise." I whiseperd into her ear as I soothed her hair down.

"Juliet?" She asked.

"Yeah sweetie?"

"I owe you my life." She whispered.

"No sweetie, you don't owe me anything. I owe you. Love. Protection. Care. Motherly bonding. Trust. Respect. You will get all of those things from me. You're my daughter now, and I'm not ever going to let you down." I said with tears in my eyes thinking about how broken she must be feeling with not ever having a mother to cry to when she scraped her knee, or had her first broken heart. But I'm here now and I'm going to be here forever.

I looked down at her and her eyes where clothes, her breathing slowed and her chest raised and dropped slowly. Her grip on my loosened and I realized she had fallen asleep. I brushed my fingers through her hair and layed down, resting my head on her pillow, keeping her fragile head on my chest and her tiny arm rested on my stomach.

I smiled and closed my eyes, holding Charlie tight, making sure to protect her from whatever nightmares she may have or the monsters lurking beneath her bed or in her closet. Within minutes I fell asleep, everything went black and all was silent.

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