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-Charlie's POV-

*After going shopping with Juliet, around 6 p.m*

"We're home!" Juliet yelled into the house full of voices and laughter. It was probably all of the guys. They had off from studio work today so Andy had them over for the football game.

"I'm gonna go put my bags upstairs." I smiled at Juliet and she nodded. I ran up the stairs and put all of my clothes into my closet. I slipped out of my dress and put on an actual over sized t-shirt, keeping my thigh high socks on. I removed my beanie and brown boots.

I put on my choker with a yang yang symbol on it, and my bracelets to cover my scars and cuts. I threw my long black hair into a messy ponytail and ran downstairs to the kitchen.

"Someone's in a cheerful mood!" Andy recongnized and smiled at me.

"Juels and I had so much fun." I said sitting next to Juliet at the bar and hugging her.

"Thank you thank you thank you." I said in a high pitched voice hugging her tighter, she giggled and hugged me back and kissed my forehead.

"You're welcome sweetie, it was lot of fun." Juliet exclaimed to everyone.

"So what'd you spend my money on?" Andy winked at my playfully and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Make up, and clothes. Lots and lots of clothes." Juliet and I said at the same time, laughing.

All the guys groaned, especially Andy.

"Juels you don't need any more clothes than you already have!" He said in a childish tone.

"Shush. A girl can never have enough clothes." She laughed and I nodded my head in agreement. Juliet pecked Andy's cheek and he blushed and smiled.

"So besides shopping, what'd you do?" Ashley asked, looking me up and down. I giggled and looked down into my lap and then looked back up at him, locking our eyes together.

"We went out to lunch, and then got my nose pierced!" I said excitedly pointing at the stud in my nose.

"Oh I thought that was already there!? It looks good." Ashley said with a grin. I watched Andy kick him from beneath the table and Ashley grabbed his ankle in pain.

"Ow, dude what the fuck." He hissed. Andy shrugged his shoulder and looked at me with a stern look. I understood what he meant and stopped looking at Ashley. He was right though, Ash is much older than me, and is also Andy's best friend.

"I'm gonna go watch a movie in the living room, what's for dinner?" I ask standing up from the stool and looking at Juliet and Andy.

"Nah ah! Not so fast! Living room is off limits until the game finishes!" Cc said childishly running after me to fight for the remote. I ran to the living room and jumped onto the couch yanking the remote from Cc's weak grip.

"Andy!!" Cc yelled. Everyone piled into the living room and watched me pin Cc to the ground.

Ashley grinned and continued to stare me down. I flipped my hair seductively and bit my lip just to show him I knew he was watching.

"You lost against a 16 year old girl Cc. You're so pathetic!" Andy burst out into laughter, keeling over and holding his stomach. Everyone else did the same and Cc blushed and stopped trying to fight me.

"Thank you!" I said in a sing song voice and held onto the remote and got off of Cc.

"Me next!" Ashley said in a deep voice. As he stepped forward Andy grabbed his shoulder and yanked him back wiggling his index finger at him.

"You're funny Ash. Am I gonna have to out a leash around ur neck for christs sake." Andy said and Juliet and everyone started laughing. Ashley blushed and sat down on the couch with a pouty face.

"I just ordered some pizza it should be here soon, the game is about to start, Charlie the remote please?" Andy said. I threw it at him and everyone took seats on the couch. I got up and started to walk away.

"Where are you going?!" Andy asked upset.

"Upstairs, football isn't my thing, neither is pizza. I'll see ya'll later." I said and began to exit the room. I felt Ashleyes stare and him checking me out so I made sure to make myself look as sexy as possible walking out of the living room.

"Stop staring at my daughter!" I heard Andy yell and then a loud thud right after with a follow up of an
"Ouch, jesus christ Andy, I wasn't staring!" from Ashley.

I giggled and started to walk up the stair and to my room. When I got to my room I decided I wanted to take a bath so I walked into my bathroom. The tub was practically a hot tub, so I started the hot water and stripped off my clothes, not caring where they were cuz i would be getting in them right after.

I sat in the tub resting my head against the head rest and relaxed in the warm water. I traced my scars and cuts with my fingers. I missed the feeling of the cool metal on my skin.

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