My first time

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-Charlie's POV-
"Ready to go kiddo?" Andy asked me as he walked into the hospital room.

"Yeah, almost, here's my bag, I'm just going to go to the bathroom really quick." I smiled weakly at him as I held out my duffle bag to him and he took it, draping it over his shoulder and walking out of the room.

I walked into the bathroom and stood infront of the mirror, looking at the dark bluish purple circles under my eyes. My skin was pale and my hair was sticking up in every direction. I looked like a ghost. More importantly, I feel like one too. I turned off the light and walked back into the room and into the hallway where Juliet, Andy and Ashley stood; Waiting for me.

"Let's go home." I whispered as Juliet put her arm around my shoulder as we walked out of the hospital and to the car.

"Sweetie, Ash is gonna bring you home, Dad and I have to go to the studio and work some things out in our meeting. I love you, see you later okay?" She kissed my forehead and I rolled my eyes and nodded my head. Andy pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my forhead.

"Ready?" Ashley asked grabbed my duffle bag from Andy and walking towards his truck, throwing it in the back.

I slowly walked towards it, not answering him . I jumped up into the front seat and sat down, pulling the seatbelt across my chest and resting my head against the window.

"Are you hungry?" Ashley asked, breaking the awkward silence as we pulled out onto the city roads. I shook my head no as he indicated left and pulled onto the highway heading towards my house.

"How do you feel?" He asked a couple of minutes later, trying to get me to talk to him. I shrugged my shoulers an continued to keep my mouth closed.

"Charlie please. Talk to me." Ashley begged looking over at me. I could see a  couple of tears welling up in his eyes. A couple managed to fall.

"I feel fine." I whispered and Ashley stared at me for a couple of seconds before looking back to the road and pulled off the highway and drove to my driveway. He parked the car infront of the front steps and shut off the engine.

"Charlie." Ashley whispered, his voice cracking. He put his head on the steering wheel, and what he did next, shocked me.

He gripped the steering wheel so tight his knuckles turned white.

"Oh god." He sobbed, as he body shook uncontrollably. He broke down infront of me, his cries were like stabbing a knife into my heart. It hurt me to watch this. I reached over and put my hand on his hand.

"I'm so sorry." He cried even harder, not bothering to look up at me. I let him cry, because he's probably been holding it in for the past week.

"It's okay Ash." I whispered. I reached my free hand over and lifter his head from the steering wheel, making him look at me. His eyes were filled with tears and his cheeks were red. And in that moment I knew. What I was about to say would be the most honest truth I'll ever tell.

"I love you." I whispered. His eyes widened and he just stared at me. His tears stopped, his shaking stopped. He just looked me in the eyes.

He suddenly grabbed my face with his two hands, cupping my cheeks, and pulled my face close to his. He crashed his lips against mine, kissing me as passionately as he could. I kissed him back wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling his body closer to mine. The center conole of the car was the only thing seperating us.

"Ashley." I whispered into the kiss. and he smiled as he bit my lip and I let out a small moan.

"Mmm." He responded, his tongue slipping into my mouth, as we fought for dominance.

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