Let love bleed red

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-Ashley's POV-
A loud thud came from the breezeway as the band, Andy, Juliet and I sat in the living room, worried sick about Charlie. We all looked up into the direction of the breezway, and then we heard the front door slam shut.

We all sprang up and rushed to the doorway where Charlie stood, beaten up and blood covered her face, arms and shirt. There was dirt from head to toe, and leaves in her hair.

All of us  immidately rushed towards her, and as we did so, Charlies fragile body collapsed to the tile floor with an even louder thud than what we just heard moments before. Her body was limp, and he eyes slowly began to close as Andy and Juliet rushed to her side.

"Oh god! Charlie! Charlie baby! What happened to you!?" Juliet cried as Andy picked her limp body up off of the floor and down the breezeway hall. Juliet followed him closely and I turned to the guys.

"Stay here." I said and followed both Andy and Juliet. Andy pushed open his bedroom door, and layed Charlie on his bed.

"My poor baby!" Juliet cried as she pushed back Charlies hair and kissed her dirty forehead. Andy stayed emotionless. He looked up at Juliet.

"Go get me a warm, damp washcloth. Ashley, go into the bathroom and fill the tub with hot water and come back in here and help me get her out of her clothes." He whispered, anger clearly was beginging to overtake him because when Juliet and I just stared at him, his face turned red.

"Are you two dEAF!? MOVE!!" He screamed, startling us both. Juels ran out of the room and I ran into the bathroom, putting the plug in the tun and turned the water onto hot, and let it fill up. I walked back into the bedroom and Andy took off her converse and socks.

"Help me. Take off her shirt." Andy said sternly. I stared at him.

"Andy.. maybe.. Juliet should do this part.. Privacy?" I said, trying to convince him. Andy nodded and looked up at me with a warm smile.

"Good idea, Ash, you do it you're her boyfriend." Andy said.

"Are you sure?" I asked, staring at him. Andy began to break down and leaned over the bed, hysterically crying.

"Ple-please Ash. He-help my little girl!" He begged me through sobs. Juliet rushed back in and handed me the wash cloth, shakily as she cried.

"Okay, okay, I'll do it Andy. Please just.. calm down okay? She's going to be okay." I tried to convince him. Or was I convincing myself? Andy nodded as he tried to compose himself and turned around as Juliet helped me undress my girlfriend. Juliet folded the clothes and ran them to the laundry room while I picked up Charlies limp, exposed, beaten up body and walked into the bathroom.

I gently placed her in the tub, holding the washcloth to her forehead. I gently dabbed at the deep gash on both sides of her temple, wiping up the blood. The clear bath water soon turned red and brown from blood and dirt as I washed her body.

Andy knocked on the door and peeked through the crack.

"Can I come in?" He asked softly.

"Yeah come in." I said as I grabbed a cup and began to rinse her hair. She was still out cold.

"Someone hurt her Ashley. Someone..." Andy grinded his teeth together in anger and clentched his fists together.

"I know." I whispered and looked down at my girlfriend. Her head suddenly turned and when her eyes opened and met mine she screamed and pulled her knees to her chest and covered her body, she moved to the farthest end of the tub and began to sob as she rocked back and forth.

I looked up at Andy and he had tears in his eyes. Juliet and all of the guys ran into the bathroom, staring at Charlie. At the sight of everyone, she sobbed harder.

"Out! Everyone except Juliet, Out!!" I yelled, angry that they were scaring her. Everyone except Andy and Juliet left.

"Andy.." I said as calmly as possible.

"I'll turn around, I won't look, just please. Don't kick me lut. I meed to be here for my little girl." He pleaded. I nodded looked back at Charlie as she cried and Andy sat facing the corner.

I reached my hand out to her and she scooted back more, hiding her face in fear.

"It's alright baby, I'm not going to hurt you. Please, let me finish cleaning you up." I begged. Seeing her this scared broke my heart.

"Mom! Mommy!" Charlie sobbed and Juliet sat at the end of the tub where Charlie was. She tried not to cry as Charlie moved over and dug her face into Juliets lap and began to sob uncontrollably. I sighed and looked over at Andy, who was crying as well.

"Charlie.. sweetie what happened to you." Juliet cried. "Please baby." She cried harder as she smoother her hair down.

"I-i c-can't." She sobbed, her body violently shaking. Whoever did this is going to pay.

"Please baby tell us." I begged and Charlie looked up at me with tears falling from her eyes. She shook her head frantically and hid her face behind her knees, sitting back in the corner. I noticed the finger marks around her neck, and instantly knew.

Anger filled my entire body and I stodd up suddenly slamming the chair back against the wall, the loud noise scareing Charlie, but I didn't care, I needed to find this fucker for laying a hand on my beautiful girl.

"Ash. Stop, you're scaring her!" Juliet begged as I paced back and forth angrily, punching the wall. Andy looked at me.

"What is it Ash?" Andy asked, his face fuming with red as well. I mouthed Ronnie's name and Andy had the exact same reaction as me except 20 times worse.

"BOTH OF YOU STOP OR GET THE FUCK OUT! YOU'RE SCARING THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF MY DAUGHTER!" Juliet yelled as Charlies winced and whimpered in the corner of the tub. Both Andy and I slowly composed ourselved.

"Juliet. Finish cleaning her up, the boys and I have somewhere to go." Andy said sternly. I followed Andy out into kitchen but as soon as he made it to the breezeway with the guys, I grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"We don't know for sure Andy. We should wait until Charlie is ready to talk. You're gonna end up in Jail. And Charlie needs all of us right now." I expressed logically. Andy nodded and let out an aggravated sigh.

"You're right." He admitted and went back into the bathroom where Charlie and Juliet were.

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