Make me Love you

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-Ashley's POV-
I drunkenly followed CC and Jake away from the bar and towards the middle of the dance floor. It was nearly 4 a.m and we had been out all night drinking and having fun. The girls we had been dancing with all night were still drinking. One girl in particular kept grinding up against me.

Cc grabbed my arm and tried to pull me away from the horny girl. I syumbled over my feet and chuckled as Cc gave me the dirtiest look.

"What are you thinking!? Are you out of your mind!? You have Charlie!" Cc shouted at me and I smiled at the thought of Charlie curled up in a ball in her bunk, sound asleep.

"It's just harmless dancing Cc!" I slurred and swatted his arm playfully, clearly not in my right mind to make correct decisions on my own. Thank god for Cc.

"I'm sorry but some girl grinding on you, giving you a boner, is not harmless dancing. It's cheating." Cc scoffed. I looked down at me feet in disbelief that I had actually been somewhat been unloyal to Charlie all night. I felt more than guilty.

"Come on. Lets go home!" I yelled over the loud music and Jake and Cc both nodded their heads in agreement. I couldn't help but think about how awful I felt for acting the way I did tonight. As we left the bar my phone began to ring and I looked down at caller ID. It was Charlie. Had she waited up for me all night? Now I really did feel like an ass.

"Hey baby!" I shouted into the phone as I put it up to y ear and climbed into Cc's truck. I heard Charlie sigh in relief on the other line.

"I'm glad you're okay, I woke up and saw you weren't back yet so I got a bit worried. Come home now okay tho? It's nearly 5 and you need your sleep." Charlie said concerningly and I smiled.

"I love you baby! Be there shortly!" I yelled again and she hun up the phone. No I love you too? Hm. That's strange. We drove down backroads until we reached the tour bus parked outside the venue. Good thing we made it when we did, because the bus was just about to leave for the next Venue. Cc killed the engine and we all climbed out. He threw his truck keys to the driver and we piled onto the bus.

Cc and Jake crashed onto the couch with loud sighs and I stumbled my way back to my bunk. I pulled back Charlie's curtain and she was turned over, facing the window and her eyes were closed. I kissed her temple and pulled back her curtain. Sliding off my clothes, I rolled into my bunk and under my covers. I had a pounding headache that I intended to get ride of with all the sleep I could get today.

-Charlie's POV-
I checked the time on my phone and only 10 minutes had passed since I last checked it. It was nearly 3 in the afternoon and Ashley, Jake, Cc and Jinxx were still out cold from partying the night before.

Juliet and Andy had slept in seperate bunks last night due to their arguing, and they were still mad at eachother when I woke up. They refuse to look at eachother or talk to eachother and it was very awkward.

"Am I watching your show again tonight?" I asked Andy and he looked up with his eyebrows furrowed at me in anger.

"Why don't you ask Juliet. She seems to have the answers to everything." He huffed and Juliet looked over at him with fierce eyes.

"Really Andrew!? Are you kidding me!? You're such a dick." She yelled and Andy looked her dead in the eyes, showing little to know emotion on his face.

"I'm an asshole baby." He snickered with a smirk. Wow, how clever of him to use song lyrics in an arguement.

"Don't call me that. Right now I'm not your 'baby', asshole." She argued back. Andy just rolled his eyes and chuckled. I sighed and kept looking down at the floor, waiting for someone to end my misery.

"Don't laugh at me. You're being a child. Grow up a little bit. Maybe that's why we can't agree on anything because you have the brain of a baby." Juliet said blatantly.

"BOTH OF YOU ARE CHILDREN NOW WOULD YOU SHUT UP!" I yelled, and Andy and Juliet both looked at me in shock. And the went right back to arguing with eachother again. I covered my ears and ran down the aisle between the bunks and locked myself into the bathroom.

I sunk down against the door, trying to enjoy the peace and quiet from here, but it was shortly interupted when Andy's voice bellowed through the entire tour bus.

"WELL AT LEAST I'M NOT TRYING TO RAISE A WHORE!" He screamed. My mouth dropped in disbelief. I felt my heart break inside my chest and tears pricked my eyes. Is that really what he thought of me? Tears flowed down my face, and I didn't try to stop them.

"Juliet.. That's not what I meant, please.." I heard Andy say softly and then the sound of Juliets hand meeting Andy's face echoed throughout the bus, and the footsteps flew past the bathroom and into the back lounge.

"What is going on?!" Ashley yelled from his bunk and there was just silence. Nobody answered him, nobody tried to explain what my father just said about me.

I shoved my face between my knees and broke down into tears, rocking back and forth on the bathroom floor. If he thought that low of me, why does he even still want me. I don't understand. I try so hard to gain his approval but all I do is dissapoint him.

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