Torture Chamber

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-Charlie's POV-
As soon as I had realized there was no effect, my tightly squeezed eyes opened, dragging me from the darkness. My heart raced a mile a minute. I slowly pulled the gun away from my temple and checked the chamber. No bullets.

"Thank god." I whispered a sigh of releif as I dropped the gun and slid it across the room away from me. I took in deep breaths trying to control my heavy breathing. The intercom buzzed and a dark, sinister laugh played through the speakers.

"Well done, Charlie. That was quite the show." Ronnie hissed whilst clapping his hands as if this were all just a performance. To him it was. It was a sick joke. To me.. it was driving me insane.

"Now for the real fun." He hissed again with much colder, evil laugh. The intercom buzzed out and almost immerdiatley the lights shut off one by one in my holding cell. I looked around as everything was emersed in darkness. I couldn't see beyond my nose, and I was afraid of what was going to happen.

I scooted to the far corner of the room seeking protection, but what protection do I really have from a concrete corner. My heart began to race and what sounded like sprinklers, were turned on. First a couple faint drops of water echoed through the quiet room, but then it sounded like rain. Drops of the liquid came in contact woth my skin and I cried out in pain as if seered me. Whatever it was, boiling water, or acid, it burned my skin.

Puddles of this liquid starting pooling around me and every inch of my skin began to sizzle and burn. I screamed and kicked, and flailed my arms. I tried to stand up on my tiptoes, but my bldy was too weak and fragile to hold my weight.

I sank back against te wall screaming and crying out in pain as the liquid had flooded the room now. It was slowly rising to my waist and all I could do was cry. Soon enough my head started to spin and my eyes started to droop. The pain was too excruciating that my body began to shut down, knocking me out cold.
-Ashley's POV-
I sat at the booth on the bus. Everyone was sitting around in silence, unsure of what to do or say. I had cried out all the tears I could muster up, now my eyes just stung and burned from my inability to cry.

I hadn't slept in almost 2 weeks, and I was starting to lose hope that we'd ever find her. And if we did, she wouldn't be alive. I had developed dark blue and purple bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. My body was weak from malnutrition from not eating and I had severe migranes from lack of hydration. I just wanted her back, safe in my arms.

"We'll find her." Cc tried to reasure everyone, but by this time, we'd all lost our motivation. The police were no help. They couldn't find any evidence for kidnapping, and they had yet to get back to us on where the phone call was traced back to.

Juliet and Andy's marriage was falling apart. Neither of them have spoken since that night and Juliet sleeps in the back of the bus now. She's already given up.

"Cc can you call the police station, tell them we got another phone call." Andy said monotonously, staring blankly out of the bus window at nothing in particular. Cc nodded in response, grabbed his phone and stepped outside to make the call.

"I'm going to go take a nap. Someone stay awake just incase we hear back from the station. If you do, come wake me up immidiatley." Andy said softly before standing up and shuffling back to his bunk for a nap.

"Ash?" Jake questioned, but I didn't respond, or even look up from the spot I had been sat in for 2 days.

"Ash?" He asked again, I continues to ignore him, staring at my hands. Jake sighed and shook his head. He got up and patted my shoulder a couple of times as he walked by me to the back of the bus, probably to check on Juliet.

The bus door swung open and Cc flew up the stairs in a pant. He looked at me and the back at Jinxx and back at me again. This caught my attention. I looked up at him slowly with curiousity.

"What is it Cc?" Jinxx asked leaning forward and raising his eyebrows, waiting for Cc to speak.

"They.. um.. the police station, cop thingys. They found a location." Cc said in as calm of a voice as possible. This sparked me. I shot up from my seat and ran to Andy's bunk. His eyes were closed so I shook his entired body as rough as possible.

He shot up and looked at me in confusion.

"They found a location. Grab your keys, we're going to the station." I said blatantly. Andy opened his eyes widely and flew out of his bed and followed me to the front of the bus. Jake, Jinxx, and Cc followed close behind. We all piled into one car, started the engine and flew out of the venue parking lot and towards the police station.

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