I see red

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-Charlie's POV-
After knocking myself out in the car from all the bumps and hard turns we took, I awoke in a dark room. One single glowing red dot sat in the distance, 10 arm lengths away from me, and what looked like was in a corner of a ceiling.

I took in my surroundings but it was hard to donin the dark. As my eyes adjusted to what little light protruded from a tiny square beside me, I realised I was in a concrete room. And the square beside me was a window, with a wooden slab hiding me from the outside world.

My arms were bound together behind my back in what felt like barbed wire. I gritted my teeth in pain as I tried to free myself from it, but it only dug deeper into my skin. Tears fell from my eyes as the pain only grew worse.

"Help!! Is somebody there!? HELP!" I screamed through gritted teeth and tears, but nobody came. I was alone and weak, and vulnerable. It only just hit me that I was only covered by my bra and thong, my clothes from the venue were no where in sight.

As my eyes grew accustomed to the dark I could see all of the bruises on my body. How long was I out for? How long have I been in this room? Where was I? All these questions flooded through my head. I don't think I'm going to make it out alive.

A loud buzzing sound filled the room and I looked around me for the source of the sound, but I saw nothing.

"Hello.. Charlie. I see you've woken up. My my my, what a beautiful young lady you are. Say Charlie, did you miss me? Because I really missed you." I heard a deep, firmiliar voice speak into the abyss of the room. I recognized it to be Ronnie's, and I knew for sure now I wasn't going to survive.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!" I screamed as my tears only built up in my eyes, and fell on to my cheeks. The salt stung my cracked lips, and I hissed in pain.

"I want revenge Charlie. You hurt me. Now it's time for you to feel the same." Ronnie whispered. "Oh, before I go.. I think it's time we made a phone call. Don't you?" He asked sinisterly. I heard the intercom hang up, and what sounds like a volt being opened. Light began to fill the room as single lights turned on, one by one.

I squeezed my eyes shut as hard as I could, my eyes blinded by the light. When I opened them, I looked around and saw Ronnie with a black hoodie on, standing in the corner. A grin spread across his face. My heart stopped and I tried to scoot backwards towards the corner. He chuckled and walked towards me.

"Please, I'll do anything, please! Don't hurt me!" I begged, but I was too weak to move fast enough. He grabbed me by my ponytail and yanke my back, dragging my almost bare body across the concrete floor.

"I think it's time for a phone call with daddy dearest and mcdreamy, don't you." He asked with a smile. He pulled out a flip phone and dialed a number, putting it up to his ear. He held roughly onto my pony tail.

"Hi? Hello is this Andy?" He said into the phone with a smirk. I could hear Andy's voice on the other end of the phone. Clearly distraut, he said a simple 'yes, who is this?'

"Well, let's not pretend like we don't know eachother, but I have someone hear with me who I know you must be dying to speak to!" Ronnie said with a chuckle. He pulled the phone away from his ear and put it on speaker phone.

"Say Hi to daddy dearest, princess." Ronnie said slyly.

"Andy! Help me! I'm scared!" I cried through tears. Ronnie yanked my pony tail making my cry out in pain.

"Charlie!? Charlie!! Where are you?! I swear to god, give me my daughter back you fucked up piece of shit!" Andy screamed through the other line. Ronnie laughed so hard, I thought he was going to pass out.

"You see.. daddy dearest. This is how this is going to work. Everyday you get closer to finding out where she is, the closer she comes to death. Starting now." Ronnie laughed. He set the phone down, keeping it on speaker. Ronnie reached into his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife. I covered my mouth a screamed.

"Charlie!! Oh god Charlie! Baby what's happening!? Charlie!?" Andy screamed into the phone. "DONT YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER!" Andy continued to scream.

"Andy!!! Please, Ronnie don't! Don't hurt me, I'll do anything you say, please!" I cried trying to crawl away from him. He raised the knofe above his head and swung his arm, slicing the side of my stomach. I screamed in agony and cried harder than I ever had before.

"CHARLIE!!!!" Andy screamed again, but my screams made his barley audible. Ronnie drew the knife back and stabbed me in the stomach. I made a grusome choking noise as he twisted the knife inside of me. The taste of metal filled my mouth, and red drops of my blood pooled over my lips and ont the floor. Ronnie removed the knife and I screamed through a sob.

I covered the wound with my hand, my hands immediatley covered in dark red liquid. It oozed from my stomach and onto my thighs. I sat in a pool of my own blood as my head started to spin. Andy's screams grew fainter and fainter until my head hit the floor and everything went black.

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