Taken, Part 2.

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-Cc's POV-
The guys and I walked off stage as the crowd continued to go balistic, but we were all pretty exhausted to do an enchore, that we decided against it tonight. As we walked onto side stage was noticed Charlie was no longer there.

"Where's Charlie?" Jake asked and I shrugged my shoulders along with the rest of the guys. Since our little family and boyfriend fiasco earlier, none of us were to impressed with her at the moment.

"I don't know probably off feeling sorry for herself in the tour bus." Ashley said coldly and Andy nodded his head in agreement. I felt bad for her, that Andy and Ashley both ganged up on her, but she did say some pretty nasty things to the both of them.

"I'll go look. The rest of you, stay here. Especially you two, you've both done enough damage for one day." Jake said pointing at Andy and Ashley but they both shook their heads.

"No way man, we're coming with you, Cc, Jinxx you stay here, we'll go check on her." Andy said. I nodded my head as they ran out of the venue, leaving Jinxx and I here alone.

"I'll call her cell phone, warn her that they are on their way." I said and Jinxx nodded. I pulled out my phone and dialed Charlie's number. It rang for a second, and then I heard her ringtone off to the right of me. I looked over at Jinxx and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Charlie?" I asked pulling back the curtain to where the instruments were. Her phone was laying face up on the floor, lighting up with my contact name on the screen as I buzzed and rang "Fallen Angels." I knelt down and picked it up and noticed it was completely shattered.

"Jinxx, come look at this." I yelled over my shoulder and held up the phone for him to see. His eyes wandered around the area and his eyes went wide and stayed on one particular spot. I looked over and noticed a piece of paper laying on top of Ashley's bass case. I stood up, walked over to it, and picked it up in my hands. As my eyes skimmed over the letter I covered my mouth and dropped her phone.

"Go get Andy." I said rather calmly, and Jinxx walked towards me.

"Why what's going on Cc?" He asked, starting to get worried.

"JUST GO GET ANDY, JINXX!" I yelled and Jinxx nodded and started yelling Andy's name as he ran out of the venue. I sat down against and amp and shook my head, reading the letter over and over and over again.

I heard loud footsteps and then all of a sudden the entire band showed up, standing infront of me.

"She wasn't at the bus. Cc wants going on? Why are you sitting on the floor? What is that in your hand?" Andy asked a question a mile a minute. I handed him the letter and picked up Charlies shattered phone, also handing that to him. I watched him read the letter. His entire body stiffened, his eyes watered and his hands shook the letter.

"Oh my god." He said in utter disbelief. "Cc, call...call the cops, p-please. Now." Andy said shaken up. Ashley looked at us in confusion.

"Andy? Andy what is it, what happened?" He asked as his voice cracked. Andy emotionlessly handed the letter the Ashley. As Ashley read it he sunk to his knees and screamed Charlie's name. Tears escaped his eyes and dropped onto the ink on the letter. He held it close to his chest and rocked back and forth on his knees.

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