Lover Boy number 2

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-Charlie's POV-
Juliet pulled infront of the studio and killed the engine to the car. She removed the keys from the ignition and put them into her sweatshirt pocket.

"Come on, let's go surprise Andy." She said with a smile and opened the back seat door and grabbed the food. I hopped out of the jeep and grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulders as Juliet and I walked side by side together into the studio.

"Is Andy mad at me?" I asked my mom as we walked through the doors. She looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"No of course not baby why would you think that?" She asked. We walked past the receptionist who waved at Juliet and she smiled. I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at my feet.

"I don't know, he just seems like he's mad at me. Do you think I hurt him when I called him Andy instead of dad?" I asked her as we continued walking down narrow, partially lit hallways.

"He was a little upset, yes, but he understands Charlie, take all the time you need." She smiled and wrapped her arm around my waist. I was shorter than her so I rested my head against her shoulder as we walked.

We finally reached his studio room and I smiled excitedly, not bothering to knock like Andy's told me to do before I walked right in.

Everyone turned to look at Juliet and I, and when Andy saw us he smiled widely and waved at us. They were in the middle of talking about record ideas so Juliet and I hovered in the back until John, their manager, left the room, leaving the guys for a break.

I walked over to Andy as he stood up and hugged him tightly. At first he was confused and then hugged me back resting his chin ontop of my head.

"Hi Daddy" I whisepered and hugged him tighter. I felt his chest shake a little so I looked up at him and he had tears on his cheeks.

"Awh, this is so sweet!" Cc said through his own tears and ran over to start a group hug. Everyone joined in, making Andy cry more.

"Hi sweetie." Andy said to me as he kissed my forehead and held me in his arms.

"I thought it would be nice to come surprise you at work with dinner. I'm sorry about this morning, I didn't mean to hurt you, I really didn't." I said digging my foot into the carpet and wiggling it back and forth and staring at the floor.

"Hey, look at me. It's okay." He smiled and kissed my forehead one last time before we sat down and ate dinner with the guys.

"So how was your first day hun?" Ashley asked me, looking into my eyes.

"It was good! I made a friend. His name is Ronnie, he's really nice." I said excitedly. Andy almost choked on his food and Juliet chuckled with a smirk.

"He? As in boy?" Andy asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes Dad. As in boy, that is what a he is." I said sarcastically and Ashley and Cc laughed. I smiled at them and giggled a little to myself.

"I don't like him." Andy said shaking his head and shoving food into his mouth.

"You haven't even met him yet!" I argued, looking at him in frustration.

"Don't have to." He said with a smirk and I stuck my tongue out at him as everyone laughed at Andy's remark.

-Ashley's POV-
God was she beautiful. Probably the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. The way her nose crinkled when she laughed and how her dimples showed everytime she smiled or talked. It sent butterflies in my stomach.

"That's not how I was taught!" Charlie argued with me as I tried to help her with her math homework.

"Than why are you asking for my help if you already know how to do it?" I teased her, looking down at her as she looked up at me. Damn. How much I would kill to kiss those soft pink lips of hers. She looked so sexy in her sweats and with her glasses on.

"Uuhhhmm. I don't have an answer to that question yet. Come back later." She giggled and covered her face which was blushing. She was so god damn adorable.

"If you say so" I teased and winked at her, which made her blush even more.

"Watch it Purdy!" Andy said to me sternly looking up from his sheet of paper that he had started writing lyrics on. Juliet was helping him and all the other guys had gone home for the night.

"I'm thirsty is there a vending machine around?" Charlie asked.

"Down the hall sweetie, here." Andy said handing her a dollar.

"Ashley, can I trust you not to pull anything on my daughter if i ask you to take her to the machine for me?" Andy asked looking at me.

"Yes. Yes of course. Come one squid! To the vending machine!" I yelled in a sing song voice as Charlie grabbed the dollar and followed me out of the studio and towards the vending machine.

-Charlie's POV-
As I slid the dollar into the slot in the machine, Ashley leaned against it, staring me up and down.

"If you keep doing that Purdy, you'll end up 6 feet under. Andy will put you there." I threatened and smirked, looking up at him and pressing the button for a mountain dew.

"I'm sorry, I just can't help myself, you're so beautiful." Ashley said with a grin. I grabbed my drink and set it ontop of the machine. I blushed at his words and leaned against the wall oposite of Ashley, so I was facing him.

"You have a crush on me don't you?" I said with a wider smirk, making Ashley blush.

"And if I did?" He said with a seductive grin.

"Well then I guess I'm just gonna have to find out, aren't I?" I asked and looked down at my feet. Ashley stood up straight and closed the space between us. He hovered over me by a foot and I looked up at him, my face turned red.

Before I could even comprehend what was happening he rested his arm above my head on the wall and held my face with his free hand, caressing my cheek softly.

He leaned down slowly and pressed his lips softly against mine. I smiled and kissed him back, moving my lips to the rhythym of his. He kissed me with passion, and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

He pulled away from lack of breath and rested his forehead against mine and smiled.

"I've been waiting to do that since I first saw you." He whispered before backing away slowly, and walking back towards the studio, leaving me by myself to comprehend what just happened.

I let my heart rate go down before grabbing my drink and walking back into the studio.

"What took you so long?" Andy asked my curiously.

"I had to go to the bathroom too." I lied and he nodded his head slowly making and o shape with his lips, and going back to writing song lyrics with Juliet.

"Alright guys I'm out of here for the night, see ya'll tomorrow." Ashley said waving bye to Andy and Juliet who waved back. He looked at me and winked and I blushed. He pointed to my notebook and then walked out of the studio.

He had written me a note before leaving.

-Text me later, we can talk things over then :) 909-752-0980-

I smiled at the note and quickly added his number to my contacts and scribbled out the note.

I grabbed my backpack and layed on the floor, usinging it as a pillow, I closed my eyes and fell asleep while waiting for Andy and Juliet to finish working.

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