Taken, Part 1.

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-Charlie's POV-
"Baby, please let me in. Andy said he's sorry." Ashley knocked on the other side of the door. I wiped the tears from my eyes and shook my head no.

"Go away, Ashley!" I yelled through my tears and hung my head low, hoping they'd leave for the show already to give me time alone.

"No, I'm not going away, you're going to come out of there right now. You have to come out at some point." Ashley begged. He was right, I couldn't hide in here forever, plus, I'd been in here for hours. I slowly stood up, my body still shaking. I unlocked the door and opened it cautiously to see Ashley, Jinxx, Jake and Cc hovering behind him.

"There she is." Cc said with his cute ass smile. I lowered my head, but Ashley lifted it back up with his chin and wiped my tears away with his finger.

"You're not anything Andy said baby. Not a word. You're beautiful inside and out." He whispered and kissed my forhead. I nodded and smiled a weak smile.

"Now come on, lets get to the show, Andy is already on side stage, we'd like you to join. Juliet is asleep and we thought we'd leave her for the night." Jake said with a toothy smile. I nodded as Ashley laced his fingers with mine. We all walked off the bus, body gaurds surrounding us until we made it to side stage. Andy spotted us and smiled at me.

"Princess! You came!" Andy said with a wide smile. "Look, I'm so sorry for what I-" Andy began but I cut him off with a wave of my hand.

"Save it Andy. You're apologies mean nothing anymore. Besides, I didn't come for you, I'm here for my boyfriend and the others. You don't deserve my respect." I spat and his smile faded.

"Baby come on now don't be like that. He was just about to apologize, you can't stay mad at your dad forever." Ashley defended Andy. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Andy is not my dad. He's a name on my adoption papers. That's it." I sneered with a disgusted look on my face. I could see I had really crushed him, but he deserved to feel the pain I felt when he said that about me.

"Chareolette! Stop it! You're acting like a bitch. He said he was sorry, you're being so unfair." Ashley said with a frown on his face. My mouth shaped itself into an O.

"So now I'm a whore AND a bitch. You're such a douche bag. Thanks for having my back asshole. God why am I even with you!?" I yelled at Ashley. I was shocked at what came out of my mouth.

Ashley looked at me with furrowed eyebrows and then disgust spread across his face. Everyone just started at me in shock.

"You know Charlie. I'm starting to wonder the same exact thing. Maybe we shouldn't be together." He yelled back before running onto the stage with the rest of the band. I felt my eyes water and I staggered backwords in shock and hurt. Did Ashley and I just break up?

Music blasted through the speakers and I walked to towards the stage and peaked my head around the corner. I looked out into the crowd, sorrow written all over my face. I scanned theroom back and forth, and my eyes layed on a firiliar face. A very violent, dangerous firmiliar face. He was looking right at me and a smirk spread onto his pink lips. I covered my mouth with fear and backed away slowly from the curtain.

I fumbled around in my pocket for my phone and tried to dial Juliets number but I was knocked from behind. My phone flew out of my hands and I fell to the ground, my face hitting the floor. His black combat boots stood in front of my face and then he slowly began to kneel down infront of me.

My eyes met his cold, dark ones. I tried to scream but nothing came out. He reached his hand to my chin and tilted my head and he smiled at me.

"So we meet again... princess." Ronnie whispered. Tears flooded my eyes before I was dragged to my feet. His hand wrapped around my mouth and a second pair of hands wrapped a blindfold around my eyes. I was picked up from the ground and flung over a persons back. I felt a cold breeze and the music began to fade.

The sound of a car door opening startled me and I was flung into a small compact area, probably the trunk. The door slammed shut and then the sound of a car starting, and my slamming into the seat told me I was being kidnapped. I hadn't had time to process that I was being taken from my family, but when I finally did I came to the conclusion that I wouldn't see them ever again.

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