Chap 58

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I walk into the party and everything is so nice and fancy. All my friends ask me about my hair and tell me how nice it's looks. I feel proud of it. I've been here about 20 minutes and I have no sign of Youngmin. I already saw Kwangmin, Na Na and Jan Di but not Youngmin.

"Kim." I hear my name.

I turn around and it's Jan Di "come on you'll eventually find him, have fun." She pulls me to the dance floor.

It's true we will see each other. I start dancing the game "just dance" that they put in some huge screens. So many people are dancing. I didn't even know so many from our school danced. I dance about 5 songs when I decide to go back to table. I sit next to Kim Na Na.

"Kwangmin, where is your brother?" I ask.

"I don't know."

"We haven't seen him since we got here." Na Na says.

I start feeling bad. Nothing went as planed today. I was hoping to have curly long hair today. My completely long dress and to spend time with my boyfriend. I decide to just forget about it and continue the night.

At about 12:35 I decide to call Youngmin. I was getting worried maybe something bad happened to him. Once I start calling they decide to announce prom king and queen so I can't hear anything. I hang up the phone before he picks up because I won't hear him anyways.

"And the winner is..... Jo Youngmin." The girl announces and I'm very surprised. Youngmin walks up the stage and I feel anger inside me. He has been here all along and hasn't even looked for me? Or even said hi to me?

Maybe he saw my new hair style and decided he didn't want to be with me? I feel somehow nervouse and angry. The nauseas are back. I was going to run to the bathroom before they say "and prom queen is...." I stop at my tracks to see which girl has to fpdance with him.


What? Me? I didn't even enter the competition. Everyone cheers for me as I walk up to the stage without even looking at Youngmin.

"Don't they look adorable." The girl says. "Now we need the dance floor empty because it's the king and queen slow dance."

Youngmin walks next to me and says "may I have this dance?"
I give him my hand as a reply and we walk down the stage and walk to the dance floor. The slow song is very touching. We can hear everyone 'aws'

"Where have you been?"


"Why didn't you look for me?"

"You will find out in a bit."

"Tell me now."

"Soon." He says and continues to dance.

I don't want to fight in front of all these people so I continue to dance eventually placing my head on his chest while dancing. "You look beautiful." He whispers into my ear and I flush.

"And this has been this years king and queen slow dance everybody. You may continue to party."

"No wait not yet people." Youngmin says running to her and grabbing her microphone. I'm very confused just as everyone else but ok. "I have something I want to say."

Everyone makes a circle around us and listen.

"This high school year, I met the most important women of my life. She changed my whole life from bad to good. I was a mess and now not so much. I couldn't stand her at first but it didn't take to much time till I learned to like her then love her. She's always fighting and something laughing. She could be childish but I love her. She has made me the happiest man alive. To all of you here, I want you to know I Love you KIMBERLY." He says I could feel the tears rolling down my eyes.

Everyone is clapping and he walks up to me "I love you." He says again.

"I love you too." I say and he kisses me long and everyone is watching but I don't care. I love him.

"One more thing." He says and everyone starts laughing.

"I want all of you to know I want to marry this girl." My heart almost fell out my body.
"Kimberly will you marry me?" He says at the same time leaning on one knee and taking out a ring.

Everyone is cheering and I'm crying like a baby "yes I will." I say. He stands up and rises me up high. Then kisses me again.

From a stupid jerk I was called him to my future husband to be. I would have never imagined my life as it is today. All the knew friends I made. I met the love of my life. I'm close to my father and I don't fight with my mother as much. Sometimes the happiest moments happen unexpectedly. Today was the worst day at first and now I'm crying because the boy called Youngmin just proposed to me infront of the whole school.  Thank you to this wonderful year. Thank you Youngmin for making me the happiest girl alive....


Well. It saddens me to say this has been the last chapter of "you're not a badboy"

It was fun writing it and I hope you all liked it. Sorry for the times I had late updates.

I will write an epilogue just so you know what happens to them in the future. Wait for it .

And thank you for reading.

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