Chap 22

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"What?" I asked.

"You, our hands." He said looking down and grabbing my hand. As much as I wanted to hold it I wasnt gonna let him so I ripped it off his hand.

"You didn't have to let go." He said grabbing it back.

"No dont hold my hand" I tried getting it off but his grip tightened.

"Yes but lets just keep walking."

"Ok." I didn't really feel like arguing today.

"Thank you Michelle I own you one." He whispered.

"I heard that."

He started laughing and then winked at me. We got to the other section and started getting on all rides except the couple ones. We got to the last ride which was a terror one. We got on it and it was all dark. Once the seat belts were tightly buckled the car started moving forward. I felt the little car go up like a hill.

"Youngmim is this a rollercoaster?" I asked concerned.

"Yes, the only one in the carnival." He said. I gulped at his words the car was stillgoing up and then forward. I couldn't see anything only hear creepy sounds and at times see flashing lights. My heart started beating really fast. I was scarred of roller coaster's and also of the darkness. Suddenly a ghost popped out on my side. I started screaming and grabbed Youngmin's arm. I didn't even realize my tears running down my cheek.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"I hate this."

"Its ok its just a ride."

"But its gonna go down sometime and Im scarred." I said in between tears.

"Its ok." He said trying to wipe off my tears but he couldn't see my face cause of the darkness and poked my eye.

"Ouch." I said now laughing.

"Sorry Kimy."

"Its ok."

The ride started moving faster and many things started appearing on the way. I was holding Youngmim arm really hard that I think his blood couldn't circulate correctly. The car then came to a complete stop making me relieved cause I thought it was over but to my surprise it started going backwards. My tears got dried even before running down my cheek because of the speed. The lights went on and now I can see but the car started going up again and at the end I could see no road. I guess this is where the drop comes. I rested my head on Youngmin's shoulder so Wouldnt know when we were gonna fall. Then the car when down, I could feel some pain in my stomach because of the G-force. We both started screaming and saw a flash. Im guessing it was a picture. The ride started going up and down in circles and everything you can imagine. Once the car got into a complete stop I couldn't help but laugh.

"Why are laughing?"

"Because I was scarred and It was kinda fun."

"Want to get on it again?"

"No." I now answered in a serious face. I stud up but I felt dizzy and my stomach was twirling.

"Kim you ok?"

"I feel like vomiting."

"Come lets go outside." He grabbed my arm and pulled me outside.

"Feel better?" He asked.

"A little."

"Want to go?"

"No, I need to get on a slow ride so I can get ride of this nausea."

"But all thats left are the romantic ones." He said looking around.

"I don't care."

He quickly got my hand and pulled me to the line of a ride. Once we were at the front I started looking at al the couples. It must be nice coming with your boyfriend to a place like this. To hug and kiss. I felt a little jealous cause I'm here with my ex not someone I can cuddle with.

"Next couple come on in." The man said. We got In a heart shaped car and the man said "remember put you seat-belts on and only kissing is aloud no further than that." He said winking. We both started laughing and the ride started. All around were many cupid dolls flying around. The ride went up and down slowly and it threw water on us. Then the car came to a stop. A screen came out and a little cupid was talking in it.

He started saying "this was romantic wasn't it. Lovely couples day so cute. You must thank me for shooting both of your booty. Now the only way to make your car move is by a kiss. Both of you have to kiss and the car will go to an end."

What? Kiss? Does that mean I have to kiss Youngmin or else we are stuck here. I looked at Youngmin and he was already looking at me. My eyes widened seeing how his lips were getting close to mine. Does this mean in one day Im gonna kiss my ex two times?

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