Chap 50

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I open my eyes to find a dark room, I look at my phone and it's 7:12pm. I can't believe I slept all of that time. I stand up and turn to face the window only to find my neighbors car. My eyes itch so much, I should put some drops on then, I lazily walk all the way to bathroom, to find a hideous monster staring back at me in the mirror. My mascara is all the way down to my nose and cheeks. No wonder my eyes itch like heck.

I really don't want to remember what my mom had told me before I wished all of it was a lie but I know it isn't. The person I've hated most but deep down cared about, the person called 'Dad' is sick. He is ill and I can't do anything about it. I don't want to see him but if I don't go and something happens to him, I'll probably die of guilt. I really don't know what I'm going to do.

I turn on the water and put it to warm. While it warms I strip out of my cloth and shake all thoughts away from my head. Once I felt the steam coming from the shower I step inside. It feels very nice the water on my skin and it helps me stop over thinking. I rub my eyes and instantly my hands turn black because of the remaining mascara. I take a nice long shower before I hear a knock on my door.

"Kim are you planing on waisting all the water?"

"I'm out, I'm out." I say as I turn off the water and step out. I slip on my pajamas and some socks. I walk down to the living room feeling my empty stomach.

"Kim, Youngmin cooked something for you."

"What? Young min?"


I stand up to find perfectly made rice balls and some perfectly made beef. My taste buds quickly start bothering me and my mouth got somehow watery. My nose is enjoying it's scent and I think I'm full already. I grab some utensils and a cup of iced tea. I place both on the table and start eating. My stomach seems satisfied with the food as I keep chewing. I don't think I have ate any of his food before or maybe it's just I don't remember.

I finish my food,placing everything in the dishwasher to move back to the living room. I can't even breath properly I think I ate to much. I unbutton my pants so I could have some space for breathing. I feel like I'm pregnant my stomach is all out, I look three months?

"Here put on anything you want on TV." My mom hands me the control and exits the living room. I flip through the channels, I can't seem to find something I like or maybe I'm just to distracted in my thoughts to pay attention the channels. I decided to stop looking for random channels and just watch the same thing I always watch. "Sponge Bob."

"I'm ready."
"Patrick have you seen Squid-ward."
"SpongeBob get back to work or else I won't pay you the hour."
"Mr.Krabs you aren't paying me at all."

This little squared guy is so funny. Every time I'm feeling down I watch SpongeBob. I've seen most of the episode but I keep laughing at it every time I watch it. I used to watch this back in Puerto Rico when I was small so it would always comfort me watching this because it reminded me of home. Once again I am lost in my thoughts. I can't stop thinking of my dad and curiosity is killing me on how he is.

I look at my phone and hesitate wether to call the hospital at least but no I am not going to do it. I can't let him see I care even when he did all that to me. I shake my head once again and pay attention to the screen again.

After about three full episode my eyes begin to droop until my eyes are fully closed and the only thing I could so was hear the TV.

"Look Mr.Krabs it's your daughter."
"Pearl, my little pearl."
"Daaaad, I need money."
"What? M-Money?"

Daaad daaaad daaaaad!

I'm walking up some white stairs and I feel like I am not controlling my legs. They keep moving until I am In front of a white door. No, one is in this place and the only thing there is are some black words I can't fully read. I get closer to the words and the only thing I see is 'Mr. Matias' is that my dad?

The door makes a cracking sound and it is swung open. I walk inside only to find my dad resting on a bed. I touch is hand and it is very cold. There is a screen on his left that let's me see his heart beats. I look at his face and he looks somehow troubled. I walk up to the empty seat that is next to him and stare at him for a while.

"Kim is that you?" I hear him speak.

"Yes I'm here." I respond as I see him try to open his eyes.

"I'm so glad your here."

"Me too."

"I have a lot to tell you."

"Please tell me."

He looks at me then he starts coughing and coughing and coughing again. The beating on the monitor starts beeping harder and harder. I see no nurses coming in or doctors.

"Dad, dad." I try to moving him but that only makes him cough harder.

"Hellpppp." I try screaming but no words come out. "Heeelp." I try once again but nothing.

The bed starts shaking and my dad is suddenly very pale. I stand up from the chair and try running outside to find a doctor but my legs hurt. They feel very weak, I can't move then fast, they become heavier and heavier. I finally reach the door and look to the left and to the right but I am left all alone. I turn around and the bed is not there.

I could only see a little girl running to her fathers arms.

"Daddy where are you going?"

"I have to go."


"I'm sorry, here let's take a picture." He said taking out the camera and trying to hold back the tears. Wait, is that little girl me? This is the day he left me, he left my mom. The flash of the camera hits and it stings my eyes. I move back and I'm in the hospital again. I could see nurses now and they are all moving into my dad's room. Finally somebody can help him. I can finally run again, I rush into the room with them but they aren't doing anything. Some nurses are laughing and other are just watching my dad trying to breath.

"Help him." I say but no one looks at me. I move to the front of the doctor. "Doctor please help him." He doesn't do anything. Why can't they see me. The laughing if the nurses gets louder and I start screaming. "Stop it, stop it."

I open my eyes and I'm breathing really hard. My mouth is dry and I'm all sweated up. It was just a dream, a pretty scary dream. I sit on the couch and look at the hour on the TV. It's exactly 2am. My dad I must call the hospital right now. I take my phone and dial the numbers it rings and rings and rings but no one is answering. My hearts starts beating faster again as I recall my dream well my nightmare.

"Good Heart Hospital how may I help you."

"Um yes H-Hello I'm calling to check out on the patient. He is my dad."

"May I know his name."

"Jerry Matias." I swallow hard as I say his name.

"Ou, yes his condition is stable right now."

"That a relief." I say as I feel like a block of cement was taken away from my back,

"Would like me to give him a message."

"No, it's ok." I say.

"Nurse we need your help with one of our patients. He's one of the patients with heart problems. It seems he's been coughing for a while now and we need your help." That was he only thing you could hear from the other side of the line. What? Coughing? A heart problem? Could it be my dad? I feel my eyes watering and I couldn't focus on the words that the nurse said next. All i did was hang up the phone, take my keys and run outside...

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