Chap 51

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I find myself running to the hospital at two in the morning. My cellphone keeps ringing but I know it's my mom. I stop at the end of the side walk because the road is there and why am even I doing this, I don't know where the hospital is. I feel scared, I think I might cry if I Stay here any longer but I have to go. I have to know what is happening to my Dad.

I take my phone and dial Youngmins phone number. *ring ring* please pick up *ring rin-* "hello." I could hear from the other line a very raspy sleepy voice.

"Youngmin I need your help."

"What happened?"

"I need you to take me to the hospital."

"Ok, I'll take you tomorrow morning."

"No, I need to go now." I say a bit to exasperated.

"Right now?"

"Yes." I feel a drop of something fall on my face so I look up. Shit it's raining! "Young min give me a second don't hang up." I start running down the street again until I find a bakery. It was closed but at least it had shelter so I don't get wet.

"I'm at the bakery close to my house."

"Wait what? Kimberly it's 2:15 in the morning you can't be walking alone and will you look at that it's raining." He said in a scolding way. It made me feel as if he was telling my sister not to eat the candy from the fridge or something.

"I'll be going now, don't move." He instructed before he cut the call.

I sit in the cold concrete table that was in back of me. The street is empty, the only thing I could see is the flashing of the street lights. The sound of the rain made me calm my self a little bit.

All of a sudden I hear a male voice talking, yay Youngmin is here. He came a lot faster than expected. "Youngmin where ar-" I lower my voice as I see a complete stranger walking towards the bakery. He's walking from side to side and if I'm not mistaken he's talking to himself. Just what I needed a drunk man. I start getting off the table and trying not to make to much noise I move under the table. Ever since I was a kid, I have always been scared of drunk men.

"Well this is a nice shower I'm taking." I could hear him say. Really old man you think your in the shower. I could see his legs in front of the table and I am now froze. The alcohol smell stung in my nose. I wonder if Youngmin thought of this when I got drunk on him.

"That was some good shower, but wait why did I leave my cloth on?" I face palmed myself. I just couldn't understand the situation right now.

"That's better." He said and I could see his cloth falling on the floor. No no no don't take your cloth off. The wet, stunk up cloth was falling too close to me so I kept moving to my right side to try and avoid any contact with it but as I kept moving I feel something on my elbow. I slowly move my head to the side 'ITS A RAT'. I start screaming like a little girl and hit my head with the table trying to get out from underneath it. As I'm screaming the old man screams with me "why are you in my shower." The man asked as he sees me. Luckily he still has his pants on.

"THIS IS NOT YOUR SHOWER." I scream as I walk to the side so I could wet my hands and my elbow with the rain. Eww a rat was just on my elbow.

"This is my shower I'm wet." The old man says crossing his arms as if he was a little boy.

"It's raining, now why don't you go to your house." I say trying to hold patience. Today is not my day at all.

"My house, o my o my, my wife I better go to my wife." He says as he grabs his cloth from the floor and runs out to the rain again. "Wifey I love you wifey." He started screaming and I just couldn't control my laughter. "Somebody is sleeping with the dog today."

"Who was that?" Somebody whispered on my ears making me almost die of a heart attack.

"Youngmin why did you just do that?" I breath out.

"Yah, why didn't you pick up." I touch both my pockets for my phone and it's not in there.

"Where did I put my phone ?" I look on top of the table, around me but I guess it's under the table with the rat. "It's under the table."

"I'll get it."

"A rat is down there."

He lowered his body and grabbed my phone. "Nothing is down there."

I look down and he's absolutely right there is nothing down there. Well he is a rat he could have just run away. I take my phone away from his hand and start walking to the car even if I'm getting drenched because of the rain. I hear Youngmin's steps crashing with the water behind me. I open the door to the car ans was shocked when I saw Kwangmin sitting there. Asleep?

"Get in the back." He said as he lazily opened one eye to look at me. I shut the door and open the one in the back. I step my drenched self inside not carrying if the car gets wet.

"Hurry to the hospital." I say. The way was very quiet well except for Kwangmins snores from time to time. If he's so tired why did he bother coming along. I hate when people see me cry and I know once I'm at the hospital my tears are going to go down my cheeks. I feel comfortable crying in front of both twins but I don't want either of them to feel sorry for me.

I step down and look at the large building my heart pounding faster inside my chest. I don't know what to feel beside being scared. What if my dream comes true. If the person then mentioned on the phone was him. Strong Kim you have to be strong. I slowing start walking to the door but I stop at my tracks making one of the twins bump into me which I didn't even bother to look which one it was. "I can't do this."

"Kim, yes you can." Kwangmin said.

"No, as soon I go in there I'm going to break down."

"Kimberly, you are one of the toughest girls I know. You got lost on a rainforest the biggest one of Puerto Rico, you were able to handle everything in Japan even forgive me after what I did, you even managed to get me crazy in love for you... Face it Kim you are a strong girl. You just have to start believing in that." Youngmin said looking into my eyes. "And if you break down I'll be there to catch you."

"And if he misses you don't worry I'll be there as well." Kwangmin said lightning the mood a bit. I half smiled at his comment. These dorks make me feel power in some sort of way. I take a deep breath and walk in. I see people in wheel chairs, kids playing on the floor next to what seems to be their parents, people are sleeping of the seats and others are crying. I walk to the main area.

"Yes, how may I help you." A middle aged woman with the cutest bun in her hair said in her British accent.

"... Yes I'm lo-looking for Mr.Matias."

"Nurse Darsie will you please take her to Mr.Matias room." The nice lady turning from one of the nurses to me.

"Please follow me." She said and I immediately recognize her voice.

"Your the one I talked on the phone."

"Ou your the one who called, hel-"

"Is my dad okay? I heard someone telling you one of the patients keeps coughing. Is my dad okay?"

"Ou you seem to be mistaken, it wasn't your dad the one that was coughing. It was an old fellow we have here in the hospital. I'm so sorry if that scared you." She explained while giving me an apologetic smile.

"I'm so glad to hear that." I said.

"See he's ok." Youngmin whispered in my ear. We all step inside the elevator and while we go up my heart accelerates and my breathing increases. I feel youngmin take my hand and squeeze it. That feels a little comforting to be honest. *ding* the elevator doors open and we are looking at the hallway now.

"Don't worry we got you back." They both said in unison.

"This is the room." The nurse said stoping in front of one of the doors. I open the door just a little bit to find myself a sleeping Dad.

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