Chap 57

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I wake up to the sound of snoring beside my ear. We slept inside of the car? I guess we were so in the moment we didn't even notice. I recover some of before memories all the touching, the kissing and everything. I'm feel like a whole new person. I look at Youngmin who is peacefully sleeping.

I check my phone and I have 8 missed calls. What a surprise, my mom. I will have to find one heck of an excuse to make them believe I havent done anything bad with Youngmin. I move Youngmin's arm from my waist and get of the car. I call my mother again.

"Kimberly where have you been?" I hear screams on the other side of the line.

"I just slept out the night." I refuse to tell her where i was.

"Where?" She asks in a suspicious matter.

"I was at Kim Na Na's house." I say because I know that's the last person she could have called yesterday. She probably already called Jan Di.

"You better get your buns over here. You got an hour." She hangs up the phone. Shit!!

I run over to the car, Youngmin is still sleeping so I just turn on the engine and drive away. On one of the red light I text Kim Na Na to cover for me this once. My mom probably won't call her but just in case. I drive to Youngmins house practically threw him out of the car leaving him all confused but I need to get home fast.

My phone is ringing it is Youngmin I'll have to explain it to him later but right now all I need is to get home. Today that I am in a hurry all the red lights decided to stop me from getting home. The clock keeps on ticking and finally I arrive home. My mom is in front of the home looking as the car arrives. I park the car in front and get out with a big smile on my face.

"I thought you were at Kim Na Na's." She says.

"I was." I say.

"Then why are you in Youngmins car." Shit how stupid can I be. First I lie to my mom, then I kick my boyfriend out of his own car and I bring his car with me.

"So that's why Youngmin was calling, I forgot I had his car." I face palm myself.

"What? He has been calling you?"

"Yeah." And to my luck he calls me again. "See mom there he goes again."

I walk inside of my house and run up to my room. Once inside I let out a puff of air I didn't even know I was holding. I answer Youngmin's call and all he does is ask again and again if he did something wrong and that why I ran away. It obviously isn't that.
The days lately have been passing very fast. I don't know if it's the fact that I don't go to school and wake up really late or that  the days got shorter. Today is already prom and I'm not ready for it. I feel like sleeping the whole day. My stomach feels so nauseas I don't feel like going. Things like this always get me nervous. I look at the time and I have 3 hours to get ready. That's enough time I think. I take a nice long shower before I out and back into my room. I put my panties and my bra on while I do my hair.

While in Japan I learned how to make very pretty hair dues. I though I should learn for prom. I wish I had the curling iron I used over in Japan my is a little broken out. I curl half of my hair and realize how crunchy my hair looks. I begin to regret not going to the hair salon early with Kim Na Na. I decide to continue maybe when I'm finished it will look different. I look at the time and still have two and half hour.

I finish curling the other half and it looks equally crunchy. I dislike how it looks so much. I turn the curling iron off and look at the time again. It's 6:57 pm that's ok prom starts at 9:00 I think to myself. I run to the bathroom turn the shower on and wet my hair. I put extra conditioner on so my hair goes back to normal . I take a towel and wrap my hair in it. One a bit dry I begin to brush and my hair comb gets stuck. Shit! I pull very very hard and when it comes out a lot of hair came out. Ouch!

I run over to the drawer and start making my hair straight. Not what I wanted to prom but I guess it will look better than wet hair. It was coming out very nicely until I got to the part where the comb made it look shorter. It looks like my hair fell from one side.

I look at the time once again and it's 7:45. I need to hurry up. I guess this is what I'll have to with. I run to my closet and grab my dress, it's still as beautiful as when I bought it. It slips on nicely. I love it! The baby blue and the silver everything just looks perfect. I look at me and I realize I forgot to put makeup on. I look like a potato. I take my dress off fast and sit on the drawer again. I take out my makeup shaking. It's almost going to be time. I start putting everything out and this actually looks nice. I love how it looks. My finishing touches are some fake long eyelashes and light red lipstick. I love it.

The only thing I'm not proud of is my hair. I very much dislike it. I'm supposed to look different for prom not he same as always just worst cause I have a short part. I move my hair trying to see what I can do and I can't seems to do anything.

I head back to my bed and place my dress on again. This time I notice it has a stain on the bottom. What? I look at the floor and it's all spilled with nail polish. I forgot to put them away. What am I going to do now. My dress is ruined, my hair is ruined. I feel the heat inside me. I'm going to miss prom or look very bad in it.

"Mom." I scream

"What?" She ask.

"Come here fast." I yell almost crying. My mom doesn't take long before she opens to door to my room to see me sitting on the floor only in my underwear.

"You better get dressed honey." She says.

"My dress, it's ruined." I say showing her the stains.

She keeps looking at the dress and quickly says "I know how to fix it"
She takes the dress and walks out of the room and I follow behind. She goes to her room and removes all the cloth she has on top of a table and revels a sowing machine I didn't know exited. She takes some scissors out and start cutting the bottom of my dress. I look at the time and it's 8:46. I'm not going to make it in time. She stops using the scissors and that just gave me an idea. I take the scissors and run to the bathroom.

Kim's mom POV

I hurriedly try to fix Kim's dress for her. I try to it the fastest I can. Kim takes something from the bathroom and runs out of my room. I wonder what she took. I look at the time it's 9:05. I'm almost done with the dress and i think it's going to look just fine.

"Kim." I scream once I finish. It's 9:16 when she walks in. I open my eyes and the tears started falling.

"What's wrong mom?" She asks as she comes near me.

"I have never seen you with short hair. Why did you cut your hair off?"

"I wanted to look different for prom." She says .

"Kim you look beautiful."

Kim's POV
I decided to cut off my hair. I took the scissors and cut my hair until my neck. I pass the iron fast and I very much like it. I take the dress once I'm done hugging my mom and run to my room. Once I wear I can't believe how it turned out. Now it's short from the front and long in the back. It looks nice. I gives it a frozen feeling. I love how I turned out. I out my heels on and its 9:38. My mom takes me to the prom place and I still don't know why I didn't come with Youngmin.

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