Chap 13

480 18 2

Kwangmin POV

I woke up and looked at the time it was 7:30 were gonna be late for school. I looked at the floor searching for Kim but couldn't find her. Then I looked at Hyungs bed. My mouth dropped and my eyes were opened real big. Why was Kim in Youngmin's bed?What happened when I went to sleep? I walked to Youngmin's bed and tried waking only Youngmin up but Kim felt the shaking also and woke up.

Youngmin looked down to her and she looked up at him. Their eyes were shocked. Youngmim pushed Kim out of the bed and made her fall down. Then she quickly ran to the bathroom.

Youngmin POV

*flash back*

Last night i went to bed and fell asleep. I started feeling cold and woke up. It was 2:30 am so I looked down on Kim and she was shivering. "I cant leave her on the floor." I thought. I hurried to her and put one of her arms around my neck. I carried her and took her to my bed. Once she was placed down I had decided to stay on the floor. When I turned around she took one of my arms. "Don't go." She said. I looked at her but she was still fully asleep. "Does she sleep talk?" I wondered. I sat on the side of the bed, she was still holding my arm tight.

"Daddy please don't go." She said now holding my hand. I looked closely to her and saw a tear drop from her face, with my finger I softly touched her face getting rid of the tear. Then I remembered what she had told me about her dad. Its been 12 years since he left yet se still misses him. My eyes started getting sleepy again so i was gonna get my hand away from her touch but she wouldn't let go.

"Please don't leave me."

"I wont leave you tonight."

I sat back down and before I knew it I fell asleep.

*end of flash back*

So Kwangmin wakes me up this morning and I felt something on my chest. I looked down and Kim was laying their. It didn't taker her to long to wake up and look at me. I pushed her off from me before Kwangmin thought of things we could have done. She quickly got up and went to the bathroom.

"Should I ask?" Kwangmin asked.

"Its not what you think." I said sitting down.

"Hey, I didn't said anything." He said winking.

"Yah, nothing happened."

"Okay if you say so." He said laughing.

I got up annoyed and went to the closet. I took my uniform out and threw it on the bed. She was taking a long time so I decided to change quickly there. I put my pants down and put the uniform one on and then I took my shirt off and when I was about to put the other shirt on Kim came out. She put her hands on her eyes and turned around. Kwangmin started laughind and looked like he was enjoying what was happening. After Kwangmin and me got ready we were gonna head out but my parents where still home. They cant find Kim.

"Ottoke?" She asked getting nervous.

"Jump its not that high." Kwangmin said.

"What?" She asked

"Jump from the window."

"Are you crazy?"

"It really isn't high." I said.

"Plus if you fall well be right down there." Kwangmin said.

I nodded.

She looked scared but decided to go with we planned. We quickly got downstairs and went outside. Kim was standing by the window about to jump. She started hesitating wether to jump or not.

"Kim trust us we wont let you fall." I screamed.

She finally jumped covering her eyes. She jumped in a way that I knew was gonna hurt when she landed. Kwangmin and I went running to catch her. Then the 3 of us fell down. We started laughing but my side started hurting. Kim noticed and said "are you ok?"

I nodded falsely.

"Kwangmin get some ice." She quickly said.

"Im fine." I said.

"Babo, why'd you do that for?" She asked.

"You said to prove how much I like you." Our eyes met and something was about to happen but then Kwangmin interrupted. "Here the ice." She jumped in surprise. I mean she was leaning closer was she about to kiss me? Ugh Kwangmin you should have taken longer with ice. She quickly placed it on my side. It was awkward tho.

"Dont walk to much today." She said.

"Ill try not to."


We arrived at her house cause she needed to get her uniform. After fifth teen minuted she came out.

"I'll wash your cloth and give it back later." She said to me.

"Arraso." I answered.

We walked to school and everything was back to normal.



Its been a week since the day I stayed at the twins house. Every time Kwangmin came to talk to me Youngmin would join also. I was kinda getting used to him already. I don't even think i hate him that much anymore. Wait what am I saying no i still hate him. I was about to enter the classroom when I saw Youngmin. He saw me and called me over to him.

I didn't even think I just went walking straight to him.

"Come with me somewhere." He said taking my hand and walking. I got my hand out of his hand and just followed him. We went to the back of the school and their was an abandoned truck. He opened the back and jumped up. He got his hand out so I would jump up with him. I did as he told me. I was really surprised it was really ugly from the outside but really nice decorated on the inside. It had a big mirror and everything.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"This is were we practice."



"Practice who?"

"Kwangmin, Min Woo, Jeong min, Hyun Seong and Dong hyun."

"What do you practice."

"Well we have a little group."

"Really." I said as my eyes lit up.

"Yeah Dong Hyun, Jeongmin, Hyun Seong and I sing, while Min Woo and Kwangmin rap. That mirror we practice some dance moves."

I was really surprised with what he was telling. It was all really new to me.

"You told me you don't dance at Kim Na Na party."

"I only dance in choreography."

"Do you have a name?"

"Yes, Boyfriend."


"Yes, I mean many girls want us as their boyfriends." He said in a proud tone and then laughed. " you look surprised."

"Yeah I never thought all of you would do something like that."

"Your the first girl, i ever show this to."

I blushed and looked down. When i looked up he was holding something in his back.

"Whats that?" I asked.

"Come close and find out." He said. I was curious but decided not to move. He then came walking forward and from his back he revealed flowers.

"They are for you."

He gave them to me and pecked my lips. Then walked by me and left the truck. I was really surprised my heart started beating really fast. I touched my lips, he he kissed me again. Well it was just a peck but still It gave me more butterflies then the last 2 that lasted more. I then smelled the flowers that were in my hand. I walked out of the truck but he was not their. I started blushing. What is happening to me?

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