Chap 30

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"Kim, can you come with me to the bathroom for a moment?"

"No, you can go alone." Youngmin answered.

"Sorry for bothering you ." She said and walked away.

Oh Ha Ni POV

Youngmin you know you are making it worst by ignoring me. I didn't want to do it according to my plan but Im gonna have to do it like that. I walked around trying to find the bathroom but I hit someone by mistake.

"I'm so sorry." I said as I looked to see who it was.

"Sorry Oh Ha Ni, I didnt see you." Jimin said as he gave me a warming smile. "You okay?"

"I'm fine." I answered trying to act as normal as I could.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Need to use the bathroom."

"Over there on the left." He pointed to the direction.

"Thank you Jimin."

"Its okay." I was about to turn around but he said "We should hangout sometime, you seem a bit lost lately and maybe some company will cheer you up."

"I am not lost." I shout at him.

"Okay maybe Im just thinking to much." He let out a chuckle and scratched his head.

"But maybe someday we can" he nodded while I smiled and walked away.

As I was entering the restroom I felt someone tap my shoulder so I looked back and Kim was standing there with her hands on her knees panting. So she did come after all.

"You were.... Taking too... Long so I thought some..thing happened." She said in between pants as she catched her breath.

"You didn't have to run." I rolled my eyes at her.

I walked inside and almost forgot about my plan. Now that she's here its even easier to do. I started applying a little bit of makeup.

"Oh Ha Ni, why is your lip bruised?" Yes she noticed my fake bruise. Good so far.

"My mom asked me about it too. What do you think happened?"

"I really don't know."

"Well, it has to do with kissing."

I could see her shocked reaction " But a kiss isn't going to bruise your whole lip."

"That's depending on the kiss."

"Wow, aggressive boy?"

"Yeah, it's embarrassing."

"Sorry I asked."

I chuckled a little when she started looking under that stalls to see if anyone was there to hear. Its not her 'secret' anyway why is she checking if anyone heard.

"Anyways I need your help." I said opening my purse and handed her a little box.


She handed me a little box. It was white a kind of small the size of a pen. I read the black words which stated 'pregnancy test' wait..!! PREAGNANCY TEST? Why does she have this? Why is she giving this to me.

"Before you ask any questions... Kim I think Im pregnant." Her eyes teared up a little and I didn't know what to do. I wanted to ask so many question's. Why is she even telling me this and not Kim Na Na.

"I should see the results." She said as she wiped her tears, took the box from my hand and entered one of the stalls. My mouth went dry for a second, my hands started shaking a little and I just didn't know what to do. My biggest question at the moment WHO WAS THE FATHER? I haven't seen her with anyone.

"I guess that sets it, Im going to be a mommy." She said coming out and handing me the pregnancy test. Its POSITIVE. O my gosh.

"How did this happen?" Was the only question I could say. She gave a 'how do you think' kind of face and I realized how stupid my question was.

"Yeah, sorry for my stupid question."

"No worries." She gave me a blunt smile.

"So what about the bruised lip?"

"Well Im back together with the daddy."

"Who is the father?" I dared to ask not knowing if It was the correct words.

"Um... I... Im so sorry Kim." She started tearing up and I was so confused. "Sorry about what?"

"The father is... Its..."

"You don't have to say if you don't want to."

"Kim I think I must be like two or three months." She said out of no where.

"You are trying to tell me something oh Ha Ni hurry up and say it." I was getting impatient at the moment.

"By the time you went to Japan well Youngmin and I... Well you know... This is his baby." After those words she bumped into my shoulder and ran out of the bathroom. Leaving me there speechless wanting to cry my eyes out. My heart is constantly being stabbed right now. The tears escaped my eyes like a water fountain.

Once back in the movie Oh Ha Ni was not sitting in her seat. I went and sat back down to watch the movie. Well at least try and watch the movie because my thought didn't let me. I felt my eyes getting blurry .No, I can't cry not again and specially not here. I ran out of thoughts when I felt Youngmin's hand on my knee.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I said trying to hide my saddened face. He leaned closer to my ear and said, "Is it because of something Oh Ha Ni said?"

"No, she said nothing." I said.

I observed the movie but literally didn't understand a thing and before I knew it, the movie was over. We walked outside but I spoke nothing to Youngmin. Jan Di was with Min Woo and I didn't want to interrupt them so I went to Kwangmin and Kim Na Na.

"Why are you here?" Kim Na Na said.

"Kim Na Na, isn't it about time we get along? I mean, we are dating twins for crying out loud."


"We are gonna see each other for a long time."

"Wait, you got back together with Youngmin?" Kwangmin interrupted.


"You just said dating twins." Kim Na Na cleared. I realized I did say that. My cheeks flashed a little red but I snapped out of it.

"No, I'm not back together with him but can we just get along."

"I will try." She answered. Kwangmin pecked her lips before saying, "My girlfriend and best friend together so cute."

"Why are you not talking to me?" I heard someone say from behind.

"It's nothing; I'm just not feeling well."

"Look at me."

"No." He grabbed my waist and turned me to face him. Oh Ha Ni was standing behind him. "Let me go."

"What did I do?" He yelled.

"You with Oh Ha Ni... Ugh." I said in frustration before running away.

Youngmin POV

She went running but before I could run after her, Oh Ha Ni grabbed my arm.

"Oppa, let her leave."

"What did you tell her."

"We kissed." She said not telling me everything I could tell because she twitches her eye when shes guilty.

"You kissed me, Oh Ha Ni. I don't like you."

"Well, she isn't gonna believe that because I told her you made this." She pointed her lips and they were bruised.

"How could you?" I sighed and walked towards Min Woo and Jan Di. "I need your help in getting Kim back. I don't want anyone else just her."

"How can we help?"

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