Chapter 1

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A loud thunder was heard suddenly at the Mason's home.  Grace jumped scared, she didn't like thunders.  Thunders always remembered her about bad things, sad things from her past.  Things that she had tried most of her life to forget.  She hugged herself and squeezed her eyes, the storm will pass soon, she told to herself to calm herself.  She hated that bad weather.  She sighed.  She must try now to hurry with dinner, her father had called and said that he would bring home a friend from work that day and his friend would stay for dinner.  His friend would eat with his family, he wanted all his children to meet this friend.

What kind of friend would be?  Grace thought.  If it was someone from work then it must've been a doctor because her father was a doctor, a good doctor, he worked at a clinic.  He hadn't mentioned the name of his friend, but he seemed very enthusiastic when he talked to Grace about it at the phone.  He had never brought someone to home from work.  This was odd and very suspiscious.  Why now suddenly?  This friend must've been someone very special.

Grace checked out the chicken she was cooking in the oven, the chicken was ready, she turned off the oven.  She looked at the clock, she had plenty of time to take a quick shower and change her clothes, she smelled like a broiled chicken.  On her way to her room, she found her older brother Gabriel in the living room reading a book.  When Gabriel heard her footsteps he raised his gaze from the book and looked at his little sister.

"Dad called, he is bringing a friend from work," Grace said.

"Really?  A friend?"

Grace nodded.

"I'm going to take a shower and change my clothes, you should do the same.  We must be ready when they arrive."

Gabriel closed his book and stood up.

"Okay, I'll tell George about it."

"Where is he?"

"I think he is in his room listening to music, you know George.  I'm hungry.  What did you cook?  It smell good."

"You'll see, be patient.  Dad's friend will eat with us, you must wait."

"Okay, I'll eat some cookies then."

"Don't you think that will ruin your appetite?"

"No, I'll see you later," Gabriel said walking to the kitchen.

Grace sighed while she started to walk to her room.  She wanted to look pretty, but what could she wear for dinner?  She looked in her closet, she heard another loud thunder and she jumped and covered her ears with her hands.  It was raining so much, maybe she should wear something warm like a turtle-neck sweater and jeans or maybe a dress, something feminine.  Yes, she would use a nice dress.  And she already had something in mind, she had a new beautiful turquoise dress, which was long to her knees and it had a nice cleaveage on the front, with nice short sleeves, and it would look great with those white sandals of her.  She put the dress on her bed and took off all her clothes, then she went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Grace looked at herself in the mirror one more time.  Her hair was loosed, it was black and shoulder-length, a bit wavy, her eyes were blue with thick and long eyelashes, very pretty and flirty: her mouth was small with sensual rosy lips; she wasn't tall, but she had a nice body, perfect for her height.  She was young, cute and sweet; she will be twenty-one soon.  Grace was in college and she had a part-time job too to keep her busy.  She was a good girl and very mature for her age.

Her mother died when she was just twelve and her little brother George was ten.  She had to grow up quickly.  It wasn't easy for her, she was the one who found her mother dead in the bathtub, drowned.  A terrible experience for Grace who always was very close to her mother.  She still had nightmares of course of that fatal day, a rainy day with thunders, she had returned home from school when she found the body.  Since that day she didn't like rainy days and she thought about her mother dead every time she watched the rain.  Her mother was a very depressive woman, she had taken too many pills that day before taking her bath.  Apparently, she fell asleep in the bathtub and drowned.  Poor Grace had to go to therapy with a psychiatrist for a very long time.  It wasn't easy for her and she still missed her mother of course.

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