Chapter 17

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December 24
Iain and Elizabeth awoke around 7:30 on a Thursday morning. "Good morning Elizabeth Henstridge." He said kissing her on the lips. "Well that was a great kiss to start the morning Iain De Caestecker." She said kissing him back. "So Ms. Henstridge what are we doing for breakfast?" He said with a smile that lights up a room. "Well Mr. De Caestecker are we speak to each other by last names today.  For breakfast we can to a restaurant."
"Awesome so at 9:00 we can get going. Also no we will not but I thought it was fun."

She got up out of bed and went out to the kitchen putting on a kettle of tea. Iain was checking his phone. When he got a text from his mum.

Mum: Hello son did you check your mail? If so I sent the ring you asked about for Elizabeth.
Iain: Yes I got the ring. Thank you so much for the ring mum.
Mum: My pleasure son. Take care of her. I love you.
Iain: Of course mum. I love you too.

He then put his phone down and went to find Elizabeth. Liz was in the kitchen reading the news. The kettle blow steam as Iain got it off the stove and filled two cups.

9:00 am
They made there way to a diner. The waiter sat them down at a table. There was a couple across the diner they would look over at Iain and Elizabeth.
"Iain they keep staring at us."
"Do you think they recognize us from tv?"
"It's possible but just don't think about."
He grabbed her hand and held it in his. The waiter came by to take there order on food. Then Iain asked the waiter "Is there a table that is more private because we're both actors and actresses and my girlfriend is feeling uncomfortable as those people are staring at us."
"Oh of course sir we can get you a new table."
"Thank you very much."
The waiter got them a table in the private dining room. "Iain you did not have to do that."
"Yes because your my girlfriend and I want you to be happy."
"Iain I'm happy any where I go with you." He lend across the table to plant a kiss her lips. The waiter came by with there food. They eat and talked. Around 10:30 they left and went out to do some last minute shopping for the trip.

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