Chapter 36

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Iain awoke with a killed headache. Liz was not in bed but he heard the sound of a person throwing up in the bathroom. He trying getting up but was to weak and tired.

Liz walking out of the bathroom with her hand on her stomach unknowingly. She wrote Iain a note like he did for her when she was drunk. Next to the note pain meds, glass of water, and a banana.

Iain awoke again an hour later. Turning to see the time '9:47'. He saw the note reading

Dear Iain,

    Drink the water and take the meds it will help you. Eat the banana. Me and your mum went out to a café. Make sure your suit is clean for tonight. Love you. -Elizabeth

Iain drank the water and took the meds. Maggie jumped up on the bed and sat on Iain's lap as he ate the banana. He got up out of bed and went into the bathroom. Starting the shower the water was cold on his back but started heating up. Resting his head against the cold tile wall. "I'm never drinking again." Iain said to himself. After a few more moments in the shower he got out and went into the bedroom. Putting a fresh pair of boxers and socks on and going down stairs. He got a bowl out setting on the counter then getting the milk and a boxes of cereal. Making a bowl of cereal and going to sit on the couch. Turning the TV and putting Doctor Who on.

Elizabeth and his mum walked through the door a few minutes later. Iain sitting on the couch in boxers and socks eating cereal. "Iain we are home." "I'm over here." Elizabeth walked over to him. "You're like a teenager. Boxers and socks." She said kissing him on the lips. "Don't forget cereal and TV." "Missed you this morning." "Why did you not wake me up?" "I thought you needed you sleep." "Fair point." Sitting down next to him intertwining their fingers as she kissed his cheek. "What was that for?" "What the love of your life can't give you simple gesture of love by kissing you on the cheek?" "Well when you put it like that." He cupped her cheek and kissed her on the lips. Pulling apart Iain said "Ready for tonight?" "Yep. You?" "I have you so I should be okay."

Later that night they made their way to Iain's old high school. Walking in there was a table that had everyone's high school picture. Iain found his picture and showed Liz. "This was me in high school." "You had glasses? But you don't wear any now?" "Yes I had glasses but when I started working they told me to take them off all the time so I just never put them on again." "So that why you squint." "Possible." "When we get home can we get your eyes checked?" "Yes we can." She kissed him on the lips.

Walking down the hall to the gym where everyone is Iain found one of his old friends. "Iain? Hey how you been?" "Jim Hey. I'm good how you been?" "I'm great. Who is this?" He asked gesturing to Elizabeth. "This is Elizabeth my fiancée." Iain said putting his arm around her waist. "Protective over her much?" "What do you mean?" "Your arm is around her waist." "So what Jim. She is my fiancee if she wants me not to do something then i will not. I really don't want to argue with anyone today." "Okay then. I'm going to get going." "Bye." They walked to the gym. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you back there." Iain said to Elizabeth. "No you didn't you stood up for me." "How?" "If I did not want your arm around me I would tell you." "That's why I love you." He kissed her as that walked through the doors of the gym.

The music was playing, people were talking, people were dancing. Iain pointed out the jocks, cheerleaders, band geeks, and his lab buddies. "I was one of the lab people band geek." "What did you play?" "I played the piano for some of the music we played." "I want to hear you play?" "I was not that good." "I still would want to hear you play." "Okay later in the night we can go to the band room." She kissed him on the lips when they heard a guy say "Oh look here the little science geek and he's got a girl."

They broke apart as Iain turned to face the jock standing in front of him. "Hello Hunter." "Hello geek. So did you pay her to come out here with you or what? Because she is way to hot to be dating you." "For your information I'm engaged to her." Elizabeth spoke up and said "Iain may be a geek, nerd, or anything but I still love him and nothing will change that." "Iain tell you how he got a girl pregnant?" Iain snapped back by saying "Hunter you're lying now I dated her and she was already pregnant and I did not know." "How do we know that you did not get her pregnant?" Hunter said as Elizabeth was speechless next to Iain. "Because I was a virgin till I was 20." Iain said back. "Wow you must not be lying if you are confessing to that." "I'm not afraid of you Hunter." "Yes you are."

Elizabeth was fed up with Hunter. "Hunter you're a grown man so stop badgering my fiancée." Just then Brian came over. "Hunter get out of here now and leave them alone." "Brian I thought you on my side." "I'm an ex-jock... So no." "Fine then." Hunter walked off to his buddies.

Brian turned to face Liz and Iain. "Thanks Brian." "No problem." "Can I ask you for a favor?" "Sure." "Do you still have the keys  for the band room." Brian dug around in his pocket and pulled out a key labeled 'Band'. "Here." "Thanks. Can you text me when a slow dance starts?" "Sure. Oh and Iain here is this." Brian handed Iain a condom. "We are not going to have sex here." "Just to be safe." Iain put the condom in his pocket as he took Liz's hand and walked down the hallway to the band room. "Did Brian give you condom?" "Yes." "Good." "Wait what?" "I said good. You never know." He opened the door and closed in behind them. 

He kissed her against the door hard. "Iain play the piano first." "Why?" "Because that's why we came in here." "Okay." Iain went over to piano sitting down he played just a simple note. Then a phrase of notes. Finally he started to play 'twinkle twinkle little star'. "You told me to play something." "I did." She kissed him as he began to unbutton his shirt. "Iain there cameras in here." "I know a place. Only if you want to?" "I'm following you." He took her hand and there was a practice room at the end of the hall. "Sound proof, No cameras, and a couch." "Perfect." Iain picked her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Kissing her neck as a moan fell from her lips. Slipping her dress off of her and letting it fall to the floor. Helping him get his pants off along with his boxers. Elizabeth lying on her back on the couch as Iain hovered above her kissing her neck. "I love you and I'm sorry if today has been horrible." "I love you too. Don't be sorry." She leaned up and kissed him. He got the condom from his pocket siding it on.

The small room now a ball of heat and moans. Iain fell to the side of her in loss of strength. Iain's phone started buzzing. "I don't want to get it. I want to stay like this." "I know but it could be your mum or Brian." "Can you get it?" Liz reached over to get his phone reading the text:

Brian: A slow song is about to came on. Did you guys have sex?

Iain: Okay. Be out in five minutes.

Brian: I will take it as you guys had sex.

Elizabeth kissed Iain's jaw. "We have to get up. Slow song is about to start." "Okay." They got dress and fixed their clothes and hair. Locking up the door and going down the hall when Hunter was by the door to the gym. Iain went up to him and said "Hunter just so you know I just had sex on campus." Hunter said nothing as they walked through the door. "Wow Iain you told him." "Well with your help." "How so?" I had sex with you." Iain said laughing.

The slow song started as Iain put his arms around her waist and she put her arms around his neck and began swaying back and forth. She kissed
him as they danced to the music.

They got home and went upstairs and settling down for bed. Iain was sitting on the bed on his iPad. Elizabeth got the box of pregnancy test from her purse. Going into the bathroom reading the box 'urinate on stick. Put cap back on and wait 3 minutes.' Liz did as the box said. She paced around the bathroom waiting nervously for the results. Three minutes passed when he little...

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