Chapter 71

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 May 25 to 26th

Iain and Elizabeth had an appointment to see the doctor. It's been three months of them trying and no baby. Maybe the doctor was right Oliver may be their last and only. With that in mind Elizabeth and Iain made their way to the OBGYN appointment.

The doctor called them back to the room. "I'm Dr. Martin. So what can I do for you today?" "A long time ago I was told I had low fertility. But we got pregnant and now we want to know if it is possible to have another baby." "Okay. Let's run some test and we will call you when the results come in. Can I ask some person questions?" "Sure." She answered back.

The doctor got to the computer and put some information in. "Okay. How long ago where you told you had low fertility?" "It's been about 8 years." "How old is your child now?" "He is 1 years old." She answered. "How long have you guys been trying? If you have been?" "We have. For about three months." "Okay we are going to do some test."

Later that night they got home after picking Oliver up from Clark's. She made dinner and gave Oliver a bath. The three of them were on the couch watching a Disney movie. Elizabeth was laying against Iain as Oliver was on her chest. Halfway there the movie Oliver fell asleep. "I'm going to go put him in his crib. Then I will be right back down. You can change the movie if you want." She picked him up and carried him to his bedroom.

She put him in his crib and covered him with his blanket. She rubbed his hand and whispered "Good night." She closed the door and went back down stairs. She came back to the couch and sat back down. "Iain do you think we will get good results from the doctor?" "Yeah." "Okay good. If we can't-" "Don't say can't." "Iain-" "Hey look at me. We beat the odds once and if you can get pregnant then it's not the end of the world." He put his hands lightly on her face.

He stood up and went onto the kitchen and got out two spoons and a tube of ice cream. "When was the last time we ate ice cream from a tub?" He asked holding up two spoons. "Our first date." She kissed him as he sat down next to her putting the TV on and flipping to Doctor Who.

They went to bed later that night after the ice cream. He checked on Oliver before going into their room. "He is sound asleep. Just like his daddy will be in five minutes." Iain stripped down to nothing and got out a clean pair of shorts. Getting into the bed he checked his phone. "Our offer on the house went through." "It did? Which one?" "The five bedroom one." "That's great. We need to call the landlord tomorrow then." "I will take care of that. Let's get some sleep." She pulled the covers back and lend against the headboard. She kissed his lips when Iain began to deepen the kiss. "Tonight?" Elizabeth asked biting her lip. "Only if you want too." She continued kissing him as her answer.

They awoke to the next morning with the sound of her phone ringing. She picked up her phone. "Hello?" She said sleepily. "Its your doctor. I would like for you to come in one of these days." "Sure. Did you find a problem?" "No just like to give patents result face to face." "Okay we will come by at noon." "It's noon now. Now about 3." "Sure." She hung the phone up and looked at the clock and laughed. "Iain its noon. What time did we go to bed last night?" "Like at least 2." "I'm going get Oliver up." "You may want to put cloths on." "Oh thank you." "I don't mind you walking around like that but you know Olive may be confused." "Of course you don't." She picked his shirt up off the floor and put it on.

She went into Oliver's room. HE was standing up in his crib looking around. "Morning baby." She picked him up and kissed his cheek. She brushed his blondish brown hair back with her hand. "You hungry?" "Yeah." "Go wake daddy up." She set him on the floor and ran to their bedroom. Oliver climbed up the bed and jumped up and down. "Daddy!" Iain rolled over to his back. "Morning." "Mummy make food." "Okay. Daddy is going to get dressed then we go down stair." "Why put cloths on?" "Because I'm not wearing any." "Why?" "Because I... I forgot to put some on last night." "Why?" "You can go ask your mummy why." "Okay." Iain put a pair of sweatpants on and went down stairs with Oliver.

Oliver ran to his mum and hugged her leg. "Mummy why daddy had to put cloths on?" "Because daddy got hot last night and took them off." "Oh okay." "How about you go play till breakfast is ready." Oliver walked into the living room and began playing with his toy trucks.

Iain kissed her shoulder. "So last night?" "Amazing." "You say that every time." "Because it is." She turned around and kissed him before getting ingredients from the pantry.

They got to the doctors appointment on time. The doctor called them back right away. "Mr. and Mrs. De Caestecker I have really good news and not so good news." "Okay what's the bad news?" "Well there is no point in trying for a baby anymore." Elizabeth face dropped. "Now time for the good news. You are 2 months pregnant." Elizabeth looked up at the doctor then over at her husband. "Did you say pregnant?" "Yes 2 months." "I don't know what to say." "How about I leave you too alone and you kiss your husband." The doctor was about to leave. "Wait doctor. I have not felt any different." "No you have. Food cravings, they gotten bigger, your tired more, and a few other things." Iain said. "You realize stuff? Why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't two and two together till now." She just smiled up at him.

He leaned down knowing what she was thinking of and places his lips on hers. At this point the doctor had already left. "We are having a baby." "We are." She pulled him down for another kiss. "We have tell Oliver. Do you think he will be mad?" She asked worried. "No I think he will be happy." He hugged her.

They got home later that day. Chloe and Oliver were watching their show. "This is the episode that your mommy and daddy got together in." "Mummy." "No I'm your aunt." "No mummy." Oliver pointed to Iain and Elizabeth who were standing by the door. "Hey baby." Elizabeth said picking him up. "Iain should we?" "I think so." She took a deep breath. "Chloe and Oliver we need to tell you both something." "Is everything okay." "Everything's great. What I was going to say is... We are going to have another baby." Elizabeth said excitedly. "I'm so happy for you both. How many months are you?" "Only 2 months." Chloe got up and hugged them. "A baby? But I'm right here mummy." Oliver said with confusion. Chloe said her goodbye and left to go home.

Elizabeth looked up at Iain. "No Oliver mummy is having another baby." Iain tried to explain. "Why?" "Because we want to. You will have a little brother or sister to play with." Elizabeth said to him not knowing what else to say. "Will I still be your baby?" "Yes of course. You will always be my baby." Elizabeth kissed the top of his head. "I want a baby brother." "We don't know what we are having yet." "Where is the baby?" Iain put his hand on Elizabeth's stomach. "Baby is in mummy belly." "Okay." She set Oliver on the couch as he played with his stuffed monkey.

Iain and Elizabeth looked at each other and laughed. "Well that was easy." Iain said. "It was." Elizabeth sat down on the couch and was looking at baby nursery ideas on pinterest. Iain joined her and Oliver. He put an arm around her waist for it to rest on her belly. "I love you all." "We love you too. She leaned up and kissed him.   

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